Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Mexican restaurant signs on as tenant in Whiskey Row project - Business First of Louisville:

Frigidaire FAA062P7A
Louisville restaurateur Saul Garcia has agreed to leas eabout 3,700 square feet on the ground floor of the former Burwinkle-Hendershot Co. building at 127 W. Main St., said Vallee Jones, one of the developers of the WhiskeyRow project. The restaurantt is slated to open in fall she said. Architect Bill Weyland, lead developer of the Main Streer venture, called Sol Azteca’s “the kind of tenanft that we want” in Whiskey Row becauss it is successful and haslocal ownership. Sol Azteca’s also has location on Bardstown Road andFrankfort Avenue.
Projecy to include office space, housinb Weyland, developer of the Glassworks and HenruyClay mixed-use complexes, announced plans for Whiskey Row last The project calls for the renovation of 100,00p0 square feet in two mostly vacant buildings at 127 and 131 W. Main St. The buildingws are adjacent to the site ofthe city’s coming multiuse arena and just east of the ramp to the Clarjk Memorial Bridge. Plans for Whiskey Row include a mix of restaurantx andentertainment venues, office space, apartmentas and condominiums. Louisville pizza chain Bearno’s Inc. operatews its Bearno’s By-The-Bridge restaurant in the basement of the131 W. Main St.
It will remain as part of Whiskey Row. Weyland, principal of LLC, is developin the project with Valle Jones and her Stephen Jones. The siblings own the two Main Street which date to the 1860s and Weyland said he hopes to secure financing for the Whiskeyy Row redevelopment effortby October. It is expectes to include historic and New Markets Tax Creditsz along with conventionalbank financing. Builr out would then begin, according to Weyland, who said the developmeng could open, along with the downtown in fall 2010.
There alreadgy has been asbestos removal, cleanup and some demolitionm at the WhiskeyRow site, the developer Valle Jones said the developers are in “active negotiations” with a numbed of other potential tenants, including several other locally basec restaurants. There has been “a fair amount of interestt and activity,” despite the poor economy, she added.

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