Thursday, March 31, 2011

Day in celebrities - USA Today

Day in celebrities

USA Today

Stone's co-host, Kevin Spacey, arrives at the Gorbachev gala. Cameron Diaz, recipient of the CinemaCon Female Star of the Year award, arrives to promote her upcoming movie, Bad Teacher, at CinemaCon, the convention of the Natio! nal Association of ...

Sharon helps Mikhail Gorbachev celebrates his 80th with a glitzy benefit in London

Sharon Stone's Russian celebrations



Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Exxon ordered to pay $507.5M in spill case - Denver Business Journal:
million in punitive damages plus interest to plaintiffs affected by the Exxo Valdez oil spill that impacted residents and businesses living along the coast of Alaskain 1989. The made theie ruling Monday after the case was sent back fromthe . At the Nintnh Circuit level, justices were charged with determining interestf andappellate costs. The Ninth Circuig confirmed the punitive damage amount aftefrthe U.S. Supreme Court determined compensatory damages and punitived damages should be assessed usinga 1-to-1 ratio.
In its latest decision, the Ninth Circuit confirmed that Irving-basedd Exxon (NYSE: XOM) is responsible for $507 million in punitivde damages and must pay interest on the judgment at the rateof 5.9 percent dating back to when the initial judgment agains the company was first issued by a jury. The federa l case against Exxon Mobil has been languishing for more than a The Ninth Circuit said both sides will cover theirown attorney’s The original jury verdict against Exxon Mobil was $5 an amount that has been reduced by 90 percenft during the more than 10 years of litigation, accordin to court records.
An Exxon Mobil spokesman said "We are aware that the opinioj has been issued and will review the opinion beforecommentiny further."

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Yes or No? Launch date suspense continues - Times of India

Yes or No? Launch date suspense continues

Times of India

BANGALORE: It's a crucial week ahead for Bangalore Metro. The exact status of the April 4 launch for Reach-1 (Byappanahalli-M G road) is expected to be confirmed by Wednesday. "We have been progressing with the preparations as planned. ...

and more »

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Cabot to close two offices, shift operations - Houston Business Journal:
The Houston-based natural gas producer’s offices in Charleston, and Denver will be affected bythe closings. The plan includews opening a new regional officr in Pittsburgh that will manage the Pennsylvaniz and West Virginia assets as well as thoswe in theRocky Mountains, accordinyg to Scott Schroeder, a spokesman for Schroeder says about 85 employees will be affecte by the shift, with roughly 50 being askef to move to either Pittsburg or Houston. Some North regiob operations will remain inWest Virginia. Phil the previous West region manager, has accepted the Northu regionalmanager position. Cabot will now operate from a North and Soutbhregional designation, Schroeder said.
The company its office in Alberta earlier this month to an unidentified privatew Canadian company forabout $64 million in cash and $19 millionj in new equity. Additionally, Cabot’s Gulf Coasf assets — which operate from Houstonb — will be combined with its mid-continent assets to form a new Southg region managed byMatt Reid, the currentf the Gulf Coast regional manager. In relatio to the changes, Thomas Liberatore has resigned as vice president of theEast region. Cabotr (NYSE: COG) expects to put aside betweeb $3.5 million and $5 millionn in pre-tax dollars to cover the shift.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Leaders push roads, education at conference - Jacksonville Business Journal:
The Roadmap to Florida’s Futurse is a 5-year strategic plan presented to Gov. Charlie Crist everhy year that suggests ways to improve economic The plan is refurbished every three years througnh regional forum where local business leaders and governmenft officials can propose their own ideas to improvethe state’s said John Falconetti, a member of ’x board of directors who openee the event. The Northeast forum Wednesday atthe St. in the Worldf Golf Village was the seconsd of nine conferences to be held this summerthroughout Florida. “This year it came at a critical time,” Falconetti said.
With the economy’zs continued slump and as more people lose it's time to discuss the regional and stater issues vital to Florida’ future, added Don Upton, the president of Fairfielxd Index Inc. who moderated two panelds duringthe forum. “Jacksonville is uniquely positioner to have the highest impact logistically in the state of said panelistJerry Mallot, president of the . Projects like the Firsgt CoastOuter Beltway, a proposed four-lane limitecd access toll road that spansd more than 46 miles, could bring “the biggesgt return on investment than anything we’vs ever seen,” he said.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

UAW's King takes aim at Ford compensation - Detroit Free Press

Kenmore 73089

Fox News

UAW's King takes aim at Ford compensation

Detroit Free Press

King said Ford, which has only hired workers at an entry-level wage as temporary workers, should make them full-time employees. รข€œWhen Alan Mul »

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Medtronic looks to KC for diabetes-division expansion - Kansas City Business Journal:

Air Purifiers Portland
billion medical device company is consideringKansas City-area sites including the headquarters in Lenexa — for the expansion of its diabetesz division. Competition for the expansion expected to deliverabout 1,500 new jobs in the next five is down to the Kansas City area versuds San Antonio, said Steve Sabicer, a spokesman for Minneapolis-basefd ’s diabetes division. “We looked at citiess in all 50 states,” Sabicer said. “But it’x come down to Kansas City and San The winner is expected to be announcecdby mid-April, he said. Sabice r said Medtronic had considered all typesof new-facility including new construction, during its nine-month site search.
But becauser the division wants to complete the expansion by the end of this year and perhapxs as early asthe summer, it probably will lease or subleased existing space, he said. The division anticipated the needfor 180,000 square feet at the expansion Sabicer said. The Applebee’sx headquarters, which was the only one of “several” Kansaw City-area sites Sabicer mentioned by name, is 178,00p0 square feet. The Applebee’s headquarters, 11201 Renne Blvd., celebrated its grand openinh in January 2008 in the SouthlakeTechnology Park. But Applebee’z parent company, (formerly IHOP Corp.), recently listex the entire buildingfor sublease.
The headquarters building is home to about325 Applebee’s employees who supporg about 480 company-owned restaurants, Miles an Applebee’s spokesman said recently. But Applebee’s recentt adoption of a two- to three-year plan to becom e a 98 percent franchisee system will diminishthe chain’s need for the Lenexa In contrast, Medtronic’s diabetes division is in dire need of additionak space. The division employs about 1,500 in a 150,000-square-footf facility in Northridge, Calif., just outsided Los Angeles. The division has no room to expand Sabicer said, and wouldn’t want to anyway. “We’re lookint to open new facilities in new he said.
Sabicer said the diabetea divisionis Medtronic’s fastest-growing business unit, havinyg posted more than $1 billiojn in sales. “We have the largest sharee of the insulin-pump therapy market in the Unitex States,” Sabicer said. The divisionh also makes and markets continuous glucose monitorinfg devicesand diabetes-management software. Sabicer woulx not say what typesa of jobs would be offered at theexpansiob location. But he said almost all of them wouldbe “nesw local jobs” filled by college In narrowing down potential sites, he said, Medtroni c has looked at labor cost and availability, busines environment, facility costs and quality-of-lifse issues.
“We certainly want to make sure it’s environmentallyh friendly, as well,” he said. The Applebee’as headquarters was built to the silver-level standards of the U.S. Greehn Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and EnvironmentalDesign (LEED) program.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Blue Shield names new chief medical officer - San Francisco Business Times:

Air Purifiers San Buenaventura
senior vice president and chieftmedical officer, replacing Dr. Alan Sokolow, who acceptes a position with in Southerm California latelast year, according to Blue Shield. Officials at the San Francisco-based healt plan said Mathews will oversee all ofits health-carw services, including prevention and wellnese programs, disease and case management, maternityh management, pharmacy benefits management, medical policies, centers of clinical quality, transparency strategies and utilizatiobn management. Mathews has more than two decades of experiencew in healthplan management.
Most he was chief medical officet forDaVita VillageHealth, where he oversaws the company’s disease and care management programs for patients with end-stage renak disease and chronic kidney disease. Prioer to that, Mathews was CMO for diseasew management specialist Blue Shield is one ofthe state’as largest health plans, with 3.4 million enrollees in variouss health insurance plans, including 1.2 million HMO enrolleexs and 1.
56 million PPO members

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Mexican restaurant signs on as tenant in Whiskey Row project - Business First of Louisville:

Frigidaire FAA062P7A
Louisville restaurateur Saul Garcia has agreed to leas eabout 3,700 square feet on the ground floor of the former Burwinkle-Hendershot Co. building at 127 W. Main St., said Vallee Jones, one of the developers of the WhiskeyRow project. The restaurantt is slated to open in fall she said. Architect Bill Weyland, lead developer of the Main Streer venture, called Sol Azteca’s “the kind of tenanft that we want” in Whiskey Row becauss it is successful and haslocal ownership. Sol Azteca’s also has location on Bardstown Road andFrankfort Avenue.
Projecy to include office space, housinb Weyland, developer of the Glassworks and HenruyClay mixed-use complexes, announced plans for Whiskey Row last The project calls for the renovation of 100,00p0 square feet in two mostly vacant buildings at 127 and 131 W. Main St. The buildingws are adjacent to the site ofthe city’s coming multiuse arena and just east of the ramp to the Clarjk Memorial Bridge. Plans for Whiskey Row include a mix of restaurantx andentertainment venues, office space, apartmentas and condominiums. Louisville pizza chain Bearno’s Inc. operatews its Bearno’s By-The-Bridge restaurant in the basement of the131 W. Main St.
It will remain as part of Whiskey Row. Weyland, principal of LLC, is developin the project with Valle Jones and her Stephen Jones. The siblings own the two Main Street which date to the 1860s and Weyland said he hopes to secure financing for the Whiskeyy Row redevelopment effortby October. It is expectes to include historic and New Markets Tax Creditsz along with conventionalbank financing. Builr out would then begin, according to Weyland, who said the developmeng could open, along with the downtown in fall 2010.
There alreadgy has been asbestos removal, cleanup and some demolitionm at the WhiskeyRow site, the developer Valle Jones said the developers are in “active negotiations” with a numbed of other potential tenants, including several other locally basec restaurants. There has been “a fair amount of interestt and activity,” despite the poor economy, she added.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Budget expected to have big impact on education, agriculture, tourism - Reading Eagle

Budget expected to have big impact on education, agriculture, tourism

Reading Eagle

Instead the governor's budget calls for $3.2 million in funding that would be used by the state to promote tourism, Seitz said. Last year the state gave $10.7 million for marketing and tourism, with half of those funds trickling down to the local level ...

and more »

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Scott skeptical of drug database funds -

Scott skeptical of drug database funds

The database would  »

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Hawaii ranks 15th in U.S. for foreclosures, sees nearly 400% spike in May - Jacksonville Business Journal:
Foreclosures were up 397.5 perceny for the month compared withMay 2008, and were up 19.3 percen t over April 2009, according to the latest report from RealtyTracx issued Wednesday. Hawaii ranked 15th in the natiohn for foreclosuresin May, up from 23rd in Hawaii had 816 foreclosure filings in May. There were 684 foreclosure filingse in April and 164 foreclosures inMay 2008. Hawaioi had a foreclosure rate of one filing for evergy621 households, according to the latest survey by the California-based real estat research firm. Nevada again had the highest foreclosuree rate inthe country, with one filinf for every 64 households.
Californiwa had the second highest rate forthe month, followed by Florida. California had the highest numberd of foreclosuresat 92,249. Vermont ranked 50th, with just six foreclosures at a rate of one filintg forevery 51,906 households. Nationally, there were 321,480 foreclosurw filings for the month, down 6 percent from April and up nearlyy 18 percent fromMay 2008, accordin g to the report.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Hearth and Home: Guidelines to Marriage and Family - White Mountain Independent

Hearth and Home: Guidelines to Marriage and Family

White Mountain Independent

In this continuing series concerning Biblical standards of manhood and womanhood, specifically in the marriage covenant, we continue with the roles of women. Having discussed briefly the concept of being the "help-meet" we move to other ...

and more »

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Boeing to acquire eXMeritus - St. Louis Business Journal:
Executives at Boeing (NYSE: BA) say the purchase will help extendd its ability to serve the federall cyber security and intelligence markets. Fairfax, Va.-based eXMeritus, founded in will add fewer than 30 employeesto Boeing’ws ’ Network and Space Systems The company’s products are certified and accreditedc by the U.S. government to operate on the government’as trusted systems. Boeing said the expected to close by the endof June, won’f affect Boeing’s financial guidance. Boeing’z Integrated Defense Systems unit, headquarterefd in St. Louis, and led by Presidenrt and CEOJim Albaugh, is a $32 billion business with 70,000 employees worldwide.
eXMerituz is the fourth company that Boeing has addex toits security- and intelligence-related lines of business since 2008. Last Boeing acquired Germantown, Md.-basex Digital Receiver Technology, Herndon, Va.-base d Ravenwing and D.C.-based .