Wednesday, January 30, 2013

MMAC: Milwaukee-area economy still sluggish - Houston Business Journal:
Only three of 20 April indicators registered improvementfrom year-ag o levels, matching the number of upward-pointing indicators recorde d in March, the MMAC said in its Economif Trends report. "The employment situation continuefd to deteriorate with deepening job declinee and unemployment indicators over double what they were one year saidBret Mayborne, economic research director for the "But metro area existing homes sales rose for only the second time in nearly three years givingy some hope for near-term improvement in a stagnanr local housing and real estate market." Nonfarm employment in the metrio area fell 4.8 percent in April to down from March’s 4.
3 percent decrease. Employment levels have now declined comparedwith year-ago levels in each of the past 12 with April’s decline being the steepest registerex in this period, the MMAC Only two of 10 major industry sectoras registered April job gains compared with one year ago, whilwe eight registered declines. Unemploymengt indicators for the metro area both measurecd more than twicetheir year-earlier levels. The numbefr of unemployed in metro Milwaukeerose 117.6% againsrt year-ago levels, to 70,300 compared with 32,300 in April 2008. new unemployment compensation claims rose ata 104.
6 percenrt rate in April to 12,101, this indicator’a third consecutive year-over-year increase of 100 percent or On the positive side, existing homes salesx for the metro area rose 5.6 percenrt in April, the first year-over-year increase in this indicatofr in seven months and only the seconr such gain in nearlhy three years.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Atlas Pipeline and Williams launch Marcellus Shale venture - Philadelphia Business Journal:
The two companies LLC, on April 1 . Atlaws Energy Resources LLC (NYSE:ATN), an affiliatr of Atlas Pipeline Partners, will be the anchor tenant on Laure Mountain’s system. Under its agreement with Tulsa, Okla.-base d Williams (NYSE:WMB), Atlas Pipeline Partner (NYSE:APL) will receive $90 million in a preferred right to proceeds undera $25.5 millionn obligation from Williams, and 49 percent of Laurell Mountain. The obligation amortizes in equal principal installmentw overthree years.
Atlas Pipeliner Partners can convert its right to receivde accrued principal and interest under the obligation into a sum equal to the accrued principal and interes t and use that to cover its required capital expenditures underthe joint-venturer agreement. Atlas Pipeline Partner also said its lenders recently agreed to relazx the covenants relating to total debt and earningsbefore interest, depreciation and amortization on its $380 million revolvingy credit line and $463 million term loan Additionally, , which owns the general partner of Atlaws Pipeline Partners, said Monday it has repaid $30 million on its credif facility and will pay down the remaining $16 million balanc e in equal quarterly installmentzs over the next year.
Atlas Pipelinr Holdings (NYSE:AHD) got the $30 millio n it used to pay down the facilit byissuing $15 million of preferred limited partner units to Atlas Pipeline Partners and by borrowing $15 millioh from Atlas America Inc., whicj owns Atlas Pipeline Holdings’ general partnedr and 64 percent of its commobn units. Atlas America (NASDAQ:ATLS) also guarantees that Atlas Pipeline Holdings will repayh theremaining $16 million on its credit The Atlas companies have officez in Philadelphia and Moon, Pa.

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Can You Sum Up Your Charity's Work in One Simple Tag Line? - Chronicle of Philanthropy (subscription) (blog)

Can You Sum Up Your Charity's Work in One Simple Tag Line?

Chronicle of Philanthropy (subscription) (blog)

Some nonprofits are able to articulate what they are and what they do quickly and clearly. Amnesty International, for example, has a simple and concise tag line that is front and center on all of its communications: exposing and preventing human-rights ...

Monday, January 14, 2013

Brywood Centre construction will start later in the summer - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
The approved Tri-Land’s plan to redeveloo the at 63rd Street and Blue Ridge Cutofftlast month. The approved $5.6 milliojn in TIF reimbursements forthe $30.7 million projecty in June 2008. Tri-Land is based in Westchester, Ill. “Wer are very excited to be movinv forward with thisredevelopment project,” Tri-Land Executive Vice Presidenr Hugh Robinson said in a “We have had a great relationship with the city and the two districrt council members, Terry Riley and Cindy throughout this process.
We look forward to delivering a high-quality project to this great Redevelopment ofthe 183,000-square-foot centerf will include a new facade, updated signagee and lighting, landscaping upgrades, expansion of a Pricse Chopper supermarket that anchors the center and increasefd pad-site availability along 63rd Street. Tri-Landf also hopes to announce a new ancho r tenant soon forthe 37-year-olr center. Tri-Land owns and manages more than 2.
8 million squarer feet of retail space inthe Midwest, Mid-Atlantif and Southeast regions of the It specializes in acquiring and revitalizing distresseds and undervalued community centers rangingt from 100,000 square feet to 750,000 square

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Eddie Bauer files for bankruptcy - The Business Journal of the Greater Triad Area:
Eddie Bauer had struggled with its debt a crisis that worsened asrevenue dropped, part of an overal l trend affecting most retailers durinbg the recession. The company has lost nearl y a half billion dollars in the pastthrees years. Those losses, coupled with the impact of the recessiobn and debt payments apparently pushed the company into bankruptcucourt — a move that was rumored for months. Eddie Bauedr became the latest major retailer to succumb to filinfg in bankruptcy courtthis recession. The list also includeds Linens ‘n Things and Circuit City.
In many ways, Eddied Bauer’s crisis is not different from what most retaileras are facing during this prolonged anddeep recession, said Greg Charleston, an Atlanta-basefd consultant for Conway MacKenzie who works with financiallty stressed retailers looking to restructure. Most retailers except discount storeslike — have seen a fast drop-off in retailp revenue across the board, Charleston said. Many of the specialtg retail department stores haveseen double-digit same-store salees declines, he said. “When revenue dropsd and same-store sales drop, companies with less debt can weathee a downturnmuch longer,” Charleston said.
“Igt becomes an issue much sooned if you are intoliquidity issues.” As of May 11, Eddied Bauer reported having $289. million in outstanding debt, includinb $187.8 million in term loans and $75 million in convertiblse notes, which company executivesd have been trying topersuadse debt-holders to convert into shares of the company. According to a filing with the , Eddie Bauer had total assets of $525.22 million in The company listed total liabilitiesof $448.9 million. Eddie Bauedr reported losses of $165.5 milliomn in fiscal year 2008, part of a totalo of $478.7 million in losses during the past thresfiscal years.
In the first quarter that endefin April, the companu reported net losses of 44.5 million. For the firs t quarter of fiscalyear 2009, whichh ended April 4, Eddie Bauer reported a loss of $44.r million. That was a greater loss than the firsft quarterof 2008, when the company reportedd a $19.3 million loss. Sales for the firsr quarter of 2009were $179.8 million, comparedr with net sales of $213.2 million in the firsg quarter of 2008. The company said that combinesd comparable store sales a barometer of success at the store level fell 11.
3 percent for the first a decline the company blamed on the recession and reduced retail Sales were down nearly 15 percent in Eddie Bauer’z retail stores and sales through its direct channel were down nearly 11 “The first quarter was a difficulgt one, as the sharp downturnm in the economy took its toll on our We continued to focus on cost cutting and cash flow which helped mitigate the impact of lower sales,” said CEO Neil in a statement with the first-quarter resultas filed with the SEC. It’s unclear what impact bankruptcy migh have onEddie Bauer’s 370 stores, including 251 retail storee and 119 outlet stores in the Unitecd States and Canada.
Eddie Baue r has an outlet store inNiagarqa Falls, and 10 stores in Southern The outlet stores have been hardest hit, with sales down nearlu 76 percent in the first quarter. According to a release on the company’z Web site, they have entered into an assegt purchase agreement with an affiliateof , LLC to buy the company’x assets through a bankruptcy subject to an auction and Bankruptcy Court for $202 million in cash, with workingt capital and similar adjustments. Under the agreement, the company says “the majority” of their 370 storez will remain open, and the majority of their employeews willbe retained.
They also said they plan to honort all outstanding gift cards and their loyaltyrewards

Friday, January 11, 2013

Hollande Labor Talks Edge Toward Accord Without Hardline Unions - Bloomberg


Hollande Labor Talks Edge Toward Accord Without Hardline Unions


President Francois Hollande's bid to revamp French labor law is heading toward an agreement that's set to leave out the country's two most hardline unions. Negotiations between business leaders and unions advanced today as employers agreed to an ...

French unions, employers strike deal on labor reform



Thursday, January 10, 2013

AON Queries Modalities for Purchase, Distribution of 30 Aircraft -

AON Queries Modalities for Purchase, Distribution of 30 Aircraft

Airline Operators of Nigeria (AON) the umbrella body of all domestic airlines in Nigeria yesterday said the Ministry of Aviation has not informed them officially that it is purchasing 30 aircraft for the distressed airline industry even as they queried ...

and more »

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Apparently the Cooking Profession Is Full of Psychopaths - Eater National (blog)

San Francisco Chronicle (blog)

Apparently the Cooking Profession Is Full of Psychopaths

Eater National (blog)

Great news, an Oxford psychologist has determined that a whole ton of chefs out there are literal psychopaths, but that it might not be such a bad thing? In his new book The Wisdom of Psychopaths, Kevin Dutton reveals the results of his Great Britis h ...

The chef profession is one of the most common for psychopaths, claims Oxford ...

San Francisco Chronicle (blog)


Monday, January 7, 2013

PV market to flourish in Asia in 2013 - pv magazine (press release)

PV market to flourish in Asia in 2013

pv magazine (press release)

According to EnergyTrend, a research division of global market research firm TrendForce, global photovoltaic (PV) market is not expected to post big fundamental change in terms of industry structure nor ASP trend in 2013. While the ASP downhill trend ...

and more »

Sunday, January 6, 2013

State, federal officials planning tsunami dock removal -

State, federal officials planning tsunami dock removal

Officials will start crafting a plan to remove a dock that floated to a remote part of the Olympic National Park on Monday, according to Washington's Department of Ecology. Though bearing no markings to the effect, analysis of species on the dock ...

and more »

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

New hurricane study shows Corpus Christi could be in over its head - Houston Business Journal:
The study found that expectedcclimate change-related rising sea levelds combined with more intense hurricanes caused in part by global warming, could increase structural damage to homes and buildings by up to 100 percenf within 20 years and by more than 250 percengt by 2080. “Flooding and damage from major hurricanex will bemore severe,” Jennifeer Irish, assistant professor of coastal and oceam engineering, said in a statement. “And the worsed global warming gets, the more severe the consequencez for theTexas coast.” Corpus Christji is especially vulnerable, the study found, becaus e the coastal land is sinking and barriet islands are eroding.
In cominv to their conclusions, the research team evaluated threestormss — Beulah in 1967, Bret in 1999, and Carlaq in 1961 — and lookefd at property damage due to floodin from storm surge and sea-level rise. To projecg future hurricane flooding, projected rates of sea leve rise and hurricane intensity were made using the most recent future climate scenarios from the Intergovernmental Panell onClimate Change. • The sea level around Corpus Christi is projected to rise byabout 2.6 feet by the 2080zs under a high heat-trapping gas emissions scenario, but not including the potential for largef rises due to increased ice sheet melt. This would be in additiojn to the 1.
7 feet of sea-leveol rise already experienced over the past 100 yeara inthe area. A higher sea level meanss higher flood levels and also affects thebarrier islands, reducing the protection they provide. Structural damage to homes and buildings affected by floodiny due to a major hurricane is projected to rise by 60 to 100 percent by the 2030as and by more than 250 percenrt bythe 2080s. • For a catastrophi storm surge event inCorpuds Christi, structural damage is projected to increaswe by $100 million to $250 million by the depending on the heat-trapping gas emissions scenario.
Meanwhile, propertty damage is expected to increasebetween $250 millio n to more than $1 billion by the The study was funded by the National Commission on Energy Policy, a nonprofit organization that examines key polichy issues related to energy. Hurricane season began Monday and typicallg lastsuntil November. Last month, the predictesd a 70 percent chance of nine to 14 namedx storms in the Atlantic Oceajnthis year, of which between four and seven couldf become hurricanes, including one to three majofr hurricanes (Category 3, 4 or 5).

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Atlas Pipeline and Williams launch Marcellus Shale venture - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
The two companies LLC, on April 1 . Atlaa Energy Resources LLC (NYSE:ATN), an affiliate of Atlasa Pipeline Partners, will be the anchor tenanr on Laurel Mountain’s system. Under its agreement with Okla.-based Williams (NYSE:WMB), Atlas Pipeline Partners willreceive $90 million in cash, a preferredd right to proceeds under a $25.45 million obligation from and 49 percent of Laurek Mountain. The obligation amortizes in equal principal installmentsa overthree years.
Atlas Pipeline Partners can converrt its right to receivw accrued principal and interest under the obligation into a sum equalp to the accrued principal and interest and use that to covef its required capital expenditures underthe joint-venturre agreement. Atlas Pipeline Partner also said its lenders recently agreed to relax the covenantxs relating to total debt and earningsbefore taxes, depreciation and amortization on its $380 million revolvingh credit line and $463 million term loan Additionally, , which owns the general partner of Atlas Pipeline said Monday it has repaidf $30 million on its credit facility and will pay down the remaininhg $16 million balance in equal quarterlt installments over the next Atlas Pipeline Holdings (NYSE:AHD) got the $30 milliobn it used to pay down the facilitty by issuing $15 million of preferrex limited partner units to Atlas Pipeline Partners and by borrowinb $15 million from Atlas America Inc.
, which owns Atlas Pipeline Holdings’ general partner and 64 percent of its commo n units. Atlas America (NASDAQ:ATLS) also guaranteed that Atlas Pipeline Holdings will repay theremaininbg $16 million on its credit The Atlas companies have offices in Philadelphiaa and Moon, Pa.