Friday, November 30, 2012

bizjournals: Cooling housing market still sees prices rise -
But that doesn't mean a real estatw bust. In most markets across the home sales continue at abrisl pace. And in some metros, priced are rising even as fewer housexsare selling. "It's not like we'r e seeing this market go from red hot to icy saysMark Vitner, senior economisrt with Wachovia Corp. "It's still pretty good when you look at the totao numberof sales." The numbers show housing saless in many markets have slipped from the hot pace of the past few Those record years were driven by rock bottomm mortgage interest rates, easy increasing investor interest in real estate, and populationn increases.
But rates have credit is tightening, and investors in some areaxs are gettingcold feet. Now, the National Associatiom of Realtors reports that existing home saled rose slightly to an annual rateof 6.92 milliom units in March from February'a 6.9 million. But that was down from 6.97 million unita in March 2005. "This is ... evidence that we'ree experiencing a soft landing," says NAR chiev economist David Lereah. "We may see some minor slowinv in home sales as interestratews rise, but the market is clearlyh stabilizing." Housing inventory stood at 3.4 million unit available at the end of March, a 5.5-montjh supply.
Lereah also pointas to the median existing home pric eof $218,000, up 7.4 percengt but below the torrid double-digit growth of past years, as evidence of a slower but steadier market. "Ws now see appreciation coolingto single-digit rates of growth -- another sign that the marketxs are stabilizing," Lereah says in a release. NAR'sw pending home sales index -- a measure of transactionsz in which a contract has been signed but thedeal hasn'rt been closed -- fell 6 percent in March from its level of a year ago. in an April report, says he expectds housing sales to move up and down throughouy theyear nationally, whild remaining at historically high levels.
He says that economif growth and job creation are stront enough to temper the impact of risinfg mortgageinterest rates, which he expects to climvb this year to 6.9 percent for a 30-year fixed mortgage. Add that up and it doesn' t amount to the sound of a burstint bubble; it's more like the third-strongest year on Vitner's not as optimistic. In a regional economic review releasedin April, he and his colleagues at Wachoviaz said they expected a 20 percent pullbacmk in sales of new and existing homesa over the next couple years. But, Vitnef says, the pullback is not a A strong economy and population growthh are likely todrive long-terjm growth in price of housing.
Prices are expected to rise inthe mid- to high singlse digits in most markets, according to the Wachovisa report. "The economy is strong and has been stron g for the lastseveral years," Vitnee says. "It's hard for me to see an overalk slowdown." Of course, the housing market you see dependw very much onwherde you're sitting. In fast-growing Southeasterbn cities such as Charlotte and as well asin Texas, sales continue to be strong. The Northeastt is a mixed bag, the Midwest is stable and the West is The NAR reports that existing home sales in the Northeasf rose in March to an annual rateof 1.19 milliomn units, about 2.
6 percent higher than last The median price was up 5 percent from Marcu 2005. In the existing home sales rose to an annua rateof 1.63 million, an increasr of 3.8 percent over Marcnh 2005. The median Midwestern price was $160,000. In the existing home sales were movintg atan 1.67 million annual rate, up 1.5 percenty from a year ago. The median price was up 6.5 percent. In the where the median pricerose 8.3 percenyt to $341,000, sales were at an annual rate of 1.43 million, 12.3 percenft lower than last year.
If you're tryingt to sell a multi-million dollar housew in the Boston region, you're likelt to get more haggling now than you would have a year ortwo ago, and you'l probably have to sit on the property the reports. The inventory for Bostoj area homes inthe $4 milliomn range is up 70 percent, whicu could mean falling prices. "Many buyers and many sellers have time in thisprice range, which can, when there's a lot of inventory, creates a very sluggish marketplace," said Charles Orr, who oversees the region's high-end business at Coldwell Banker Residential Brokerage.
"Thered are a lot of qualified buyerzsout there, but they are very slow to Likewise with high-end properties in California's big cities. "Th activity where there's more discretion in the buyinvg decision seems to bemuch slower," Paul president of San Francisco'as Pacific Marketing Associates told the . And if you'rer one of the many investors who gambler on real estatein Phoenix, Las Florida, or elsewhere, chances are now is not the best of timezs for you.
In some areas where speculators were especiallyyactive -- such as in Florida, Phoenix and Las Vegass -- Vitner says those investorxs are now backing out of contracts, leavinvg money on the table as they flee the The reports that luxury home builder Toll Brothers Inc. recentlu said signed contracts had fallem by 29 percent in its fiscallsecond quarter, and addexd that it will build fewet homes than it had previously Speculative buyers, the company said, are cancelling contracts in mid The cancellation rate during the quarter ended April 30 came in at 8.5 which is higher than Toll's historic average of roughly 7 the business journal reports.
"Folks that were looking to buy are lookinfgto sell," Vitner says.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Talking Points: Reviewing Class A, B, C - Tampa Bay Business Journal:
Absolutely. Everyone now expects A product for B In anydown market, there’ss always a flight to quality, which means that peoplw now realize that they can now move into a Class A locatiob for a price more reflective of a Classa B property. Quality and classifications do The market is always classifyin gits product. It’s a way for people to keep and yes, the business community likeskeeping score. — Jeff Sweeney, managing principal/president of Yes. Traditionak building class is still adhered to by both brokerszand tenants.
I think that the difference betwee a Class B building and a Class C buildingin people’z mind is that a Class C is older and hasn’yt been renovated, but the difference between A and B is Since we haven’t had a lot of development since the late 1980s, early 1990s, there are a lot of propertiesw that are Class A because they were when they were built. It’ss more subjective, and it’s gone away. — Anne-Mariee Ayers, first VP at Class always matters in regards to office It is the cost that dictates where atenang locates.
In recessionary times, costs get closer together betweebn the Class A and Class B It is about quality but also Certain businesseswant image, such as financia companies, and others don’t. Cost is definitelhy driving the demandin today’s As the cost gap historical Class B tenant will move up to Class A — Russ Sampson, EVP/principal of

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Conflict has left Syria a shell of its former self - Los Angeles Times

Los Angeles Times

Conflict has left Syria a shell of its former self

Los Angeles Times

BEIRUT â€" First his parents' home in eastern Syria was reduced to rubble, followed by his father's pharmacy. Then Melad received a c »

Monday, November 26, 2012

OSU develops sweet new tech - KVAL


OSU develops sweet new tech


"It's the same stuff you eat when you're baking donuts or cookies," said Kaichang Li, OSU professor of wood science. Sorry, no cookies today - but these scientists have "cooked up" a new way to make the sand molds that go into metal castings to make ...

Friday, November 23, 2012

Alder Foods Incorporated Company Profile | Company Information
Alder Foods, Inc. beganm as a small, home-based business that functionedc primarily as a foodbrokerage Today, we're one of the country's largest suppliersw to the military with a presence in all key geographic regions including Europe, the the Caribbean Islands, Hawaii, Alaska and the Pacificx Rim Nations. The reason for Alder's growthg and success: an innovative approach to the sales and marketing of food products to themilitary markets, the foresight to anticipate new consumer trendz (organic and soy milk), and the drive to pioneere these products into category leaders.
The proof of our uniquee capabilitiesand success: the numerous nationa l companies who have chosen Alder Foodzs as their military marketing partner and the well known national brands we We manage brands at the top of their Coffee-mate, Nesquik, Lactaid, Organic Valley, and Rainbo w Seafood, to name a few.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

West Valley cities courting colleges and universities - Phoenix Business Journal:
Solicitations will begin next with the hope of attracting colleges withibnfive years, said Scott Cooper, economic development coordinato r for Peoria. Peoria isn’t the firsgt West Valley city to take this Surprise and Goodyear are beefint up their educational optionws with the same goalsin mind. Many area leaders say giving residents the opportunitgto live, learn and work withinj the same area ultimately will build stronged communities that attract more businesses.
Peoriw is in the process of choosingf between two consultants that responded to its requesytfor proposals, which closed earlier this Cooper said he expectds a consultant to be selected within 10 days to help identifhy targeted opportunities and resourceds and complete a feasibility analysis. He said city officiala don’t want to limit themselves to one area of town or to a singlde type ofinstitution — public, for-profit or nonprofit. Goodyear recently attracter andthe , while Surprise is expanding its partnership with .
Those learning centers are being incorporated into new city hall The Communiversity@Surprise, expected to open by fall will be a hybrid community college and university. Rio Salad o is seeking higher-education partners to allow students to earna four-yea r degree at the 26,000-square-foot facility in the new city hall complec at Surprise Center. Franklin Pierce and Incarnate Word willmake Goodyear’s new town hall theirf home. Harry Paxton, Goodyear’s economic development said the schools will begin building their campusez after city hall constructiobn is completedin 2011, but a specific date hasn’t been determined.
Goodyea r attracted the two universitieswith 99-year leasea and options for up to 30 acres Both already are conducting classes at satellitr locations. Paxton said long-term economic developmeny always includes a focuson education, and higher educatiojn is particularly important because it encourages more corporatione to locate in a city. Surprise’s biggest employers are the city and Dysarf UnifiedSchool District, but Crescent Crown Distributing bought 60 acrez there last year. The New Orleans-based company pland to employ up to 300 people initially at its new beer and beveragsedistribution facility, said Surprise Mayofr Lyn Truitt.
Once it gets up and running next year, it will be the city’w largest private employer. Two other manufacturers also are considering expandingfinto Surprise, Truitt said, but he woul d not identify them. He did say one could create 350 jobs withi the first year and another350 later. The a maker of paper goods andothe products, is looking for a spot near the railroae line, he said. Chris Bustamante, vice presidenft of Rio Salado College, said the community college’s partnership with Surprise will help developthe city’s work “You will see more citiees be more aggressive about getting higher-education organizations to locate withinm their city to ...
raise the educational attainmentf level of their as well as to provide them with options for work force he said. “We’re certainly willing to act as a work forctraining arm.” Rio Salado will spend abour $8.5 million in bond funds to builfd its facility, which is being developed along with the new Surprise City With 17 classrooms, it will be able to accommodate abour 500 students at a time, givinvg the center a 6,000- to 8,000-student capacitt per semester. The 450 online courseds that start every Mondayt further expandits capacity. Bustamante said he is talking to severao potentialuniversity partners, but no deald have been signed.
He declined to identifyh any ofthe universities. Rio Salado College: City of Goodyear: : City of

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Despite losses, Clark County forges ahead - Dayton Business Journal:
Otherwise, Detrick said technology and aerospace companie s continue to drive development inthe county. He said the Springfield Base has talkefd with five different NATO countries to trai n fighter pilots atthe base. Each countrty represents about50 jobs, because of the worker s needed to maintain the fighter jets flown out of the base. The airbase, long protected by retireed U.S. Rep. Dave Hobson, will no longer have the Springfield congressmen toprotectt it, as Hobson retired last Detrick said his replacement, Rep. Stevee Austria, a fellow Republican, will take time to builx himself up.
Once Austria accumulates seniority on Capitol Detrick said he will be aneffective Meanwhile, development occurring around a new hospital — set to open in 2011 in downtown Springfield will result in “morre changes in Clark County than in the last 50 Detrick said. The top success of the countytremains , an insurance company, whichb has grown from 1,500 employes to 1,900 in the past year. “Theyh are constantly hiring,” he said. jobs remain in demand. For example, recentlg opened a call centefr inClark County, creating 30 jobs.
More than 300 peoplwe applied forthe openings, Detrick

Monday, November 19, 2012

Oncor seeks $300M in stimulus funds - Nashville Business Journal:
Oncor will apply for the funds througyh the American Recovery and Reinvestment Actof 2009. The deadlin to apply is Aug. 6. Citing data from the Counci l ofEconomic Advisers, Oncor believews the stimulus funds would support the creation of 1,600 jobs in 2010. If the fundingv is approved, Oncor will spend the money to deploy moresmart switches, whicn will help the energy compan isolate problems in neighborhoods and reconfigure powerd lines. Other enhancements will includwe controlling the feeder voltage throughthe company’s capacitor controkl and enhancements that will help the electric provider locate electri delivery problems in a faster, more efficienrt manner, Oncor said.
In downtown electric networks will be modernizedunder Oncor’s proposed Oncor also is aiming to improve its telecommunicatione network, an improvement that will enhancer the company’s power “Oncor’s vision for a modern, interactive, intuitivde electric grid is real, tangible and happening now,” said Oncor Chairman and CEO Bob “Our first considerations in seeking these stimulus grants are whethe r the funds will help consumeras lower their electric bills or advance smart grid initiativesz to improve service and That’s where we have focused our attention and energy.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

FCMB Empowers 20 Graduates -

FCMB Empowers 20 Graduates

Lagos â€" First City Monument Bank Plc (FCMB) said it has concluded training for 20 of the 2012 batch of employees, recruited for its Graduate Development Programme (GDP) and Management Development Programme (MDP). The programme under GDP ...

Friday, November 16, 2012

Human Capital: People on the move, July 7 - Washington Business Journal:
, is the first graduate of (one of the university’s four schools) to serve as chair. She is also the daughtet of former trustee, the late Jack Papa Gino’s Inc. , the Dedham-base d parent company to Papa Gino’s and promoted Gary Sandeen and Kathy Tirrell to executive vice president of operations forPapa Gino’s and D’Angelok Grilled Sandwiches, respectively. , based in elected the following executives to its boardof directors: Christopher Oddleifson , president and CEO of ; Kennetuh Brennan , president of The in Norman Seppala , president of in and Kevin Bottomley , president of Danversbank .
At-larger directors, who are appointed for three-year terms, includedx Richard Bennett , president of ; John Boucher , presideny of in Weymouth; John Doherty , chairman of in Richard Holbrook , chairman and CEO of in DennisParente , president of Foxboro Federal Savings ; and Michael Tucker , president of . Appointesd at-large director for a one-yearr term was James Egan , chairman of .

Thursday, November 15, 2012

N.C. 'Opossum Drop' Ruled Unlawful - Opposing Views

Opposing Views

N.C. 'Opossum Drop' Ruled Unlawful

Opposing Views

After the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (WRC), despite an objection from PETA, issued a made-up permit to Clay Logan to possess an opossum for his cruel annual New Year's Eve "Opossum Drop"â€"in which a terrified opossum is abducted, ...

North Carolina judge puts an end to New Year's Eve possum drop

Torrington Register Citizen


Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Housing starts, permits fall - Washington Business Journal:
The Commerce Department says housing starts fell to an annual rateof 458,00p0 led by a 46 percent declinwe in construction of apartments and condos. Building permitss fell 3.3 percent to 494,000. The Commerce Departmenrt also revised lower housing starts datafor March. The slowdown in constructionm follows a report Monday from the Nationaol Association of Home Builders that showed confidence among homebuildersis rising. Its confidence though still indicating the majority of those askec see conditionsas poor, rose for the secondx straight month this It was the highest level of confidence amongb homebuilders in eight months.
Tighter lendinhg standards continue to straibhousing sales, and foreclosures are weighing on housinfg values. But by some measures, home salews are rising. A gauge that measures pendinhg sales of existing homesrose 3.2 percent in and posted its first consecutiv e gain in pending sales in almost a year.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Texans survive conditions, beat Bears 13-6 - Houston Chronicle (blog)

Houston Chronicle (blog)

Texans survive conditions, beat Bears 13-6

Houston Chronicle (blog)

The weather was gross, and the footb »

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Raleigh/Durham/Fayetteville CFOs Report on Third-Quarter Hiring Outlook
June 2 /PRNewswire/ -- Four percent of chiecf financialofficers (CFOs) in the Raleigh/Durham/Fayetteville area expecyt to add accounting and finance staff during the third quarter of 2009 and 9 percent anticipate reductions in personnel, according to the most recent Robert Half International Financialp Hiring Index. The majority of respondents, 84 anticipate no change in The local results reflecta two-quarter rolling average based on interviews with 200 CFOs from a stratifierd random sample of companies in the Raleigh/Durham/Fayettevills area with 20 or more employees; 1,40p CFOs were queried for the nationapl data. (To view the national results, visit .
) The studies were conducteed by an independent research firm and developed by RoberftHalf International, the world's first and largest staffing services firm specializinvg in accounting and finance. has been trackinf financial hiring activity in the United Statesxsince 1992. "Many companies remain hesitant to commit to addin g staff until they are certain of aneconomic recovery," said , chairman and CEO of Roberft Half International. "In the most firms are working with theifr current teams to managekey initiatives, with some employers also bringingh in project professionals to assist with rising workloadsd and support full-time personnel.
" Robert Half Internationakl was founded in 1948 and is traded on the New York Stock Exchange. Its financial staffing divisions include Robert HalfFinance & Accounting and Robert Half Managemenf Resources, for temporary, full-time and senior-level project respectively. The company has more than 360 staffin g locations worldwide and offers online job searcgh services on its divisional all of which can be accessedat .

Friday, November 9, 2012

Developer Verna files Chapter 7 - Charlotte Business Journal:
Verna has 617 unsecured creditors, assets of between $1 milliob and $10 million and liabilities of $10 milliob to $50 million, the filint states. “Debtor estimates that, after any exempt property is excluded and administrativeexpenses paid, there will be no fundx available for distribution to unsecured the filing says. Verna’s voluntary petitionb could be dismissed becausre itis incomplete, according to a separates court notice filed by the clerik of court. Last year, Verna lost contro l of The Park, his unfinished residential condoproject uptown, aftefr defaulting on a construction loan.
The lenderf that foreclosed on thepropertty — a subsidiary of Bankers’ Bank in Wisconsin bought the building for $14.2 million in a foreclosure auctiojn in December. Earlier this month, the Charlotte Nationalp BuildingCondominium Owners’ Association acquired Verna’s offices at 428 E. Fourtjh St. for $32,847.78. The association was the sole bidderf on the office condo during aforeclosurre auction, and the upset period expired with no The purchase amount was commensurate with dues and assessments Verna owed, plus legal expenses.
The foreclosures were the latest in a string of dozenw ofcourt filings, lawsuits and mechanic’s lienss for unpaid bills filed against either Verna Associates or company founder Verna. Verna was the creator of the Charlotte National BuildingfCondominium Owners’ Association in the late He built the uptown office building by usingb the salvaged facade and glass rotunda of the now-demolisherd First Citizens Bank Building.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Union for students urges probe into why thousands of bursaries remain unpaid - Scottish Daily Record

BBC News

Union for students urges probe into why thousands of bursaries remain unpaid

Scottish Daily Record

AN investigation is needed into why thousands of university students have still to receive vital bursary and loans cash, the National Union of Students has said. It has emerged that 7572 students have not yet had their funding application processed by ...

Students in need of urgent help

Herald Scotland

SAAS extends hours on helpline


Abertay University students among thousands waiting for cash due to 'tot »

Monday, November 5, 2012

Mining investors call on DfID to act over Tanzanian corruption -

Mining investors call on DfID to act over Tanzanian corruption

A draft of the letter, seen by The Daily Telegraph, states: “DFID purports to invest £151m directly into Tanzania per year and we respectfully seek assistance by the Department to held safe guard, and ensure ongoing investment by UK shareholders into ...

and more »

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Report: Coal plants would make Mo., Ill.
The Washington, D.C.-based , which refers to the 15 states asthe “Filthy 15,” said those states have proposalz for 54 coal plants that woulr create nearly 14 million tons of dangerousx waste. Some 80 proposed new coal plantxs inthe U.S. would producer nearly 18 million tons of dangerouwwaste annually, including toxic metals, accordiny to the NRDC. The group basede its data on permit applications, the most recent data and NRDC estimates. Among the “Filthy Illinois ranked No. 6 with 4 proposexd plants that would produce aprojected 797,450 tons of coal ash and Missouri ranked No.
12 with 4 proposex plants that would produce aprojectedd 515,709 tons of coal ash Texas topped the list with eight proposed plante that the NRDC projects would produce 4,093,087 tons of coal ash waste. A complete list of the NRDC projectionse can be found Existing plantzs produce nearly 130 million tons of coal wastrea year, acccording to the NRDC, most of which find its way to ponds and other locationse where it could pose public health and environmentaol risks, the group said. The NRDC release referrexd to a December incident in whicnh a holding pond retaining wall failed ata coal-firex plant in Kingston, Tenn.
, sending some 300 milliomn gallons of coal ash over more than 300 acree of Roane County and into the Emory “The EPA took a big step forwardx this week by announcing it will regulate coal ash, but they need to quickly examine how coal waste is handled and ensurd proper management and disposal are in place at all new said Peter Lehner, executive directod of NRDC. The EPA previously has allowed states to regulate coalash

Friday, November 2, 2012

Times' retirement plan hit by $154M loss - Silicon Valley / San Jose Business Journal:
Net assets of the plan for the which owns the Globeand T&G, fell to $417.u7 million. The plan was particularly hard hit bysome $171. million in losses withinj severalmutual funds. For example, the plan’es largest holding, the Vanguard 500 Index Investmeny fund, suffered a nearly 40 percent lossin value. Another fund in the portfolio, the Vanguard Asset AllocationnInvestment fund, dropped nearly 32 percent year-over-year. Only one of its majotr fund holdings, the Dodges & Cox Income Fund, posted a positive return in 2008. Investmentes in fixed income and insurance assetsgenerated $5.3 millio n in income. Dividend income of $11.6 million also helpef offset losses.
Interest income from the company’s borrowing from its retirement fund totaled The Times has traditionally matche d a fraction ofGlobe employees’ contributions to their 401(k) however a proposal in front of leadership woulde eliminate the program.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

more on the myth of the supposedly-damaged iconic Atlantic City Casino ... - (blog)

more on the myth of the supposedly-damaged iconic Atlantic City Casino ... (blog)

The local officials are pretty kind to those who disseminated the erroneous reports, considering how difficult it will be to get the correct message out now (see my previous blog posts on this earlier in the week). It's bad enough that well-meaning ...

and more »