Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Irondale hoping it's in good hands with Allstate bonds - San Francisco Business Times:
million in bonds the city issued toaid ’s now aborteed relocation effort. Allstate holds $9.4 million wortnh of Irondale bonds issuedin 2007, the Illinois-basedr insurer confirmed this week. Irondale wantse Trinity to repay the bonds after the hospital shiftes its relocation plansto U.S. 280, but city sources say that likelyt won’t happen without so the city isexploring options, including the possibility of individual negotiations with bondholders such as its Allstate. Allstate may want to participatd inthose negotiations.
finances professor Ronnie Clayton saidgovernments aren’t the most likelgy target of bondholder litigation when they default bond insurers and underwriters are. Allstate said in a prepare statementit “considers all consent waivers and amendmentds to bond documents on a case-by-case basis” concerningf efforts to help bond issuers avoid defaulting. Irondalse made a $500,000 bond payment in April and has anothertdue Oct. 1, which the city’s attorneu said will be made but, coupled with a 13 percentg decline in sales tax revenue in the past willpinch Irondale’s budget going forward.
“We are tryinv our best to come up with a reasonable settlemeny with Trinity and Irondale attorney GregMorris said. “Itt will put a strain on the city to meetthat (bond payment) obligation. We are looking at all options concerningthe bonds.” Irondalre had three bond issues in 2007 to fund infrastructurw projects on a proposed relocation site for Trinity. The city contende it assumed long-term debt to provide sewer and road access at the site near the GrantxMill Road/Interstate 459 interchange basecd on Trinity’s pledge to buil d a $316 million facilityy there. Trinity, located off Montclai Road, claims it is only responsible fora $7.2 millionb bond.
The east Birmingham hospital ismakingv $60,000 monthly payments on that bond as part of its land leasd agreement with Irondale. However, it is not making paymentw towarda $6 million bond issuer for sewer and water line installation or a $19 million bond for roadsz at the proposed site. Irondale’s bond contracts have provisiond notingthe city’s protection of all its property and that law-imposeed obligations are to be paid priof to its debt services.
It also notes the city’s assets are not in jeopardh should it file for bankruptcy law professor Michael Floyd said defaulting on a bond paymentt would likely hampera city’s future financin efforts with higher interest rates and more stringenty requirements. Jacksonville State’s Clayton said bondholdersz aren’t likely to seek city asset and their focus would probably be on the firms that insureethe bonds. Beyond that, bondholdersd generally seek to recoul as much of its investmentas possible.
“The city isn’r going to give up its assetsx and youreally don’t want them,” Clayton “The best alternative would be working with the city to restructurd to repay as much as possible.” In September Trinity announced it was planninyg to relocate to U.S. 280 in the former . The city of Birmingha offered Trinity $55 million in incentives to keep the hospita l inits jurisdiction. This came four months after Trinitgy received state approval to moveto Irondale. The 534-bed hospital must go througu the state regulatory approval process agai n to moveto 280. Irondale’s Morris said the city has $3 millionn in its general reserve fund.
He said Irondales will meet with underwriters late next week to attempyt to developa “reasonable plan to unwind the Following those meetings, Morrids said the city will further explore mediatio n with Trinity. Attempts to reach Raymond James and Irondalre bondinsurer Ltd. were unsuccessful. Syncora, formerly knownh as , was the insurer of Jefferso County’s sewer bonds. Trinity and Irondalse held a mediation meeting in June without resolvinfgthe matter. Trinity said it continuess to have discussions with Irondal and its offer remains on the inan e-mailed statement.
Irondale’s reservd account is flush now thanke to ad valorem taxes and businesss license fees collected in January and Morris said. However, those reserve fund s are relied on to pay for servicesa through the rest ofthe year. Morris said Irondal issued bonds to prepar the Grants Mill site for a new hospital and the area for anticipatedretailp growth. Irondale cannot sell the land to anothe party because it agreed toa five-yead lease when it bought the property from the The city anticipated paying the $6 million bond through taxes generated during the construction phase of the new hospital.
It expected to pay the $19 milliobn bond from tax revenue generated from restaurant and lodging establishmentsw that were being courteed to the area near the GrantsMill site.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Barnett Shale hits home - Houston Business Journal:
I had been following developments in the Barnettf Shale since the late 1990s when the Dallase Business Journal had a bureauat , righgt in the thick of gas country, and activitg was just beginning to register on our collective radar. I once spentg a day with a (now ) crew, climbing up onto a drillintg rig to see the action up clos and personal in ahard hat, watching in awe on a cold November day as roughnecksd did the heavy liftinv replete with mud-caked clothing and grimhy faces.
Lately, I’ve read about the protestx in Fort Worth from residents concernex about the dangers of pipelines runninh rampant throughtheir neighborhoods, and the lack of powerd that residents and cities have over their Still, all that had been somewhat far away from my Northeasr Tarrant County backyard. But the march of the Barnett continues eastward. I’m in its path, and I’m conflicted. I see the potential benefit — funds in my bank account. I also see the potential dangers and nuisances of haviny a well near aresidential neighborhood. I checker the Web site and contacted the webmastet tolearn more.
I also called the city to find out if any gas companiesa had soughta “special-use permit” to drill in my None had. In fact, as of a monthn ago, only one gas well permit in all of Grapevinwas pending, near the Greatf Wolf Lodge, some four to five milee away from my home. (That’s not including drilling at Dallas/For t Worth International Airport, over whicbh Grapevine does nothave jurisdiction.) I also scouteed around to see where a gas well might go in my I found few nearbyy options, which brought a level of relief, on the one and dismay on the other.
Would I be too far away from the potentia l drill site to collecr thesuggested $20,000 to $25,000 per acre signing bonuas and the potential 25% royalty payments if gas was found? Right about the time I learned of the gas leaser negotiations, a friend who lives in south Grapevine told me her neighborhood was in the final negotiations with a gas company. Unlike me, she knew exactlh where a wellwas planned. The site was near her home and, if it is she and her children will have to pass it everu day to reachtheire school.
The dangers of large trucks entering and exiting the siteconcern her, she but she signed the lease, believing it was betterf to be organized as a neighborhood — and to perhap s see some monetary benefit. For my part, I had coffeew with two of the gas-lease organizers in my neighborhooxd and learned about a potential drill site roughl y 1 mile frommy home. For now, I’ve signe d a nonbinding letter ofintent — my ticket to stay informefd as I wait and wonder aboutt what the future may

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Catch the Wind secures $18.8M - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
million in a private placement financingf to help push more sales of its new wind sensortfor turbines. Manassas-based Catch the Wind, whichj trades on the Toronto Venture Exchange, sold roughluy 16.7 million shares at a prics ofCanadian $1.30 apiece in what it hopesw to be its last major equity financing before generating enough revenue from its lase r wind-sensing product, Vindicator, to pay for Company officials also participated in the investmenrt round, along with institutional bringing its total equity fundraising to date to nearly $35 million. , Researchb Capital Corp.
and Canaccord Capital served as placement agents for this latest fundraising in return for 6 percenft of the gross proceeds and additionalstockl options. Spun off last year from LLC, a fibefr optics laser company that still sharea the sameheadquarters space, Catch the Wind has been developin g similar technology that senses when wind is imminent, helpiny reorient a turbine to capture that wind befored it passes. Most wind turbines can realignb its blades only after itfeels wind, so they’re often too late to actually benefit from gusts, companu officials said.
“Before, it was the horse-and-buggt approach to measuring wind,” said Phil who founded Optical Air Data Systems nearly 20 years ago with his wife before leaving recently to servee as CEO for Catchthe Wind. “Thinl about increasing the gas mileage of your he said. “You’ve already boughrt your car. But if I can sell you somethinfg that doubles the gas mileagre ofyour car, you would save more He estimates the Vindicator can capture 10 percentt to 30 percent more wind for which in turn helps generate more cleanm electricity and ultimately revenue for their Catch the Wind recently sold its first unit to , a Canadiamn environmental monitoring equipment maker, while startintg its first two-month field test with the Nebraska Publixc Power District on its largest wind farm with 36 wind The local company, whichj said it’s also talking to federal agencies, hopesd to use that trial’s results late this summer to market to othef wind turbine m anufacturers and wind farm With six full-time Catch the Wind expects to at leastg double that count by the end of this year.
The which had $5.5 million in cash and equivalentds on hand as ofMarch 31, is also considering whether to list itself on an American exchange late this year. “We aspirs to that,” Rogers said. “ I just can’t say

Friday, May 25, 2012

Loss, sales, shares fall at Toll Brothers - Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
million, and has decided to discontinued givingearnings guidance. The Horsham, Pa., company’e net loss was 52 centsd a share, which included pre-tax write-downs totaling $119.7 million. During the same periocd last year, Toll (NYSE:TOL) reportee a $93.7 million, or 59 cents a share, loss, which includedc pre-tax write-downs totaling $288.1 million. Revenue for the quarterf came inat $398.3 million, a plungse of 51 percent. The average analyst estimatwe forthis year’s fiscal second quarter was a loss of 50 centws per share and revenu of $395 million, according to Thomsonm Reuters. Toll shares were trading 6 percent loweer Wednesdayat $18.35.
Though the housing market continueas to bea challenge, Toll said it has experiencede an uptick in activity and traffic at its The company will not providd earnings guidance because of “the numerous uncertainties related to our business,” said Joel H. chief financial officer.

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Its Personal Finance July issue feature the 10 best cities of2009 list. Kiplinger’s and Kevijn Stolarick, research director at the MartibProsperity Institute, evaluated U.S. citieds based on the overall number and qualitg of jobs and how well location retain employment when the economtygoes sour. D.C. ranked No. 3 due to the presence of the which employs one in eight workera inthe D.C. area and supports nearb companies acrossvarious industries. Northern Virginiq technology firms and Marylandf biotechs also offer manyjob opportunities, note d the magazine. Kiplinger’s included data on populatio growth, unemployment rate, income growth, and cost of livint to determinecity rankings.
“Although downturnas are felt by everyone, our research has shownb that the impact is less severe for thosr in thecreative class—people who are paid to says Stolarick, in a statement. “Peopler in fields such as engineering, architecture, and education are catalysts of vitality and livabilityt ina city.” Huntsville, Ala., which was No. 1, boaste strong missile-defense and aerospace industries and medicaland life-sciences Albuquerque, N.M.’s budding film industry, whichj has grown from 100 people eight years ago to 3,0000 today, helped put it at No. 2. Va., was ranked No. 4 and Ga., was No. 5.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Eastern Market reopens Friday - Kansas City Business Journal:
The fire, in April gutted much of the 136-year-old market and left its vendorss without apermanent home. The District set up a temporary home for many of thosd vendors nearby shortly after the Eastern Market, at 7th and C streetsa SE, has now undergone a $22 million head-to-tor renovation, one many of its regulars have called long Although the cause of the fire has never been officiallt determined, it was widely believed to have been the resulty of faulty electrical wiring. Eastern Market’s reopeninf will see many of its original vendors return to once again hawk everythinh from fresh meats and to flowers artand crafts.
Longtime Capitol Hill resident Jim Zaniello is among regularz who are looking forward to returning tothe “It’s exciting to know that all of our market familyu will be back in the originakl building and that they will continu e to be an important part of the Hill communituy for years to come,” he said. “Eastern Market is an integral part of life onthe

Monday, May 21, 2012

Consumer confidence wanes in June - Pittsburgh Business Times:
points to 49.3 in June. "The decline in the Presenty Situation Index, caused by a less favorabl e assessment of business conditionsand employment, continues to imply that economic conditions, while not as weak as earliere this year, are nonetheless weak," Lynn director of The Conference Board Consumert Research Center, said in a "Expectations continue to suggest less negative conditions in the monthe ahead, as opposed to strong Those claiming business conditions are "good" decreased to 8.0 percent from 8.8 while those saying conditions are increased to 45.6 percent from 44.5 The number of people who said jobs are "hardc to get" increased to 44.
8 percent from 43.9 percent. Thoss saying jobs are "plentiful" decreased to 4.5 percenyt from 5.8 percent. The number of consumersd anticipating an improvement in busineses conditions over the next six months decreasedto 21.2 percent from 22.5 while those expecting conditions will worsen increased to 20.2 percent from 18.0 percentg in May. The number of people who anticipater more jobs in the monthxs ahead decreasedto 17.4 percenrt from 19.3 percent, while those anticipatinf fewer jobs increased to 27.3 percent from 25.6 The number of consumers expecting an increase in personal incomes declined to 9.8 percent from 10.8 percent.

Saturday, May 19, 2012

Ellaktor May Sell Parnitha Casino Stake, Kathimerini Says - BusinessWeek

Ellaktor May Sell Parnitha Casino Stake, Kathimerini Says


By Natalie Weeks on May 18, 2012 Ellaktor SA (ELLAKTOR), Greece's biggest builder, wants to sell non-construction related units, including a stake in a casino, to reduce debt and boost liquidity, Kathimerini said. The company wants to dispose of its ...

and more »

Friday, May 18, 2012

Hand sanitizer company draws customers - San Antonio Business Journal:
“We can’t keep enough in stock right now,” says Randallp Mendoza, president and CEO of the Mendoza which manufactures Kleenhanzantimicrobial towlettes. “I’ve sold out of everythingg I havethis week. Right now, H-E-B wants everything we Mendoza adds. Mendoza says that with this pandemicf looming, the best way to reduce the transmission of the disease is to keep yourhandsx clean. The best way to do that, he is by washing your hands with soap andwarm But, if you are not in a position to do using Kleenhanz products is a good he says. “When you are in a rush or don’rt have access to soap and water, this is the next best he says.
Mendoza says the swinre flu pandemic hasraised people’s awarenesws of the need for personal hygiene and that has led to a greatefr demand for the company’s product. Kleenhan z products are currently available atarea H-E-B stores and are also distributefd to all the schools in the Northeasty Independent School District (NEISD). Last year, the companyu had about a quarter million dollars in This year, they are expecting betweenm $1.5 million and $2 million, says Lance chief operations officer and partner with Mendoza. “We’ve knowbn this day was coming forsome time,” FitzSimojn says.
“But convincing organizations of the need forpreventatived measures, when there isn’t a regional or national scarse like there is today, can be difficult.” The which employs just three currently outsources its manufacturing to a companty in Toluca, Mexico, and has a contract with locallty based ArchPoint Sales to servd as its national broker. But FitzSimon says he expects that over the next couplesof years, the company will need to stargt hiring its own sales staff and will soon be up to 10 to 12 After founding the company in 2003, Mendozaa and FitzSimon spent the next five years developing the formula for They wanted to stay away from foamsz and gels because those tend to be alcohopl based.
Mendoza says he wanted to stay away from alcoholo content for a numbereof reasons. First, the alcohol tends to dry out the skin and he wantedx a product that would moisturizethe skin. That way it would be soothintg on the skin and providelasting Secondly, he had heard reports of students in some schools tryinv to extract and drink the alcohol content from hand sanitizers, and he wanteed a product that wouldc be safe for school officials to put in the FitzSimon says the company also determined that it needer to develop towlettes that would scrunb off the dirt and germs rather than just coatinyg them like some otheer hand sanitizers will do.
“We didn’t want something that woulrd just mask the germs and notremove them,” he says. “You have to scrun your hands to really getthem clean.” first big success came in 2006 when the companhy persuaded NEISD to beta test the product in severak schools. Kleenhanz dispensers were placed in the classrooms at five schoole duringthe 2006-07 school year and comparer with five other schools that used a different hand-cleaninyg regimen. The results were very positivefor Mendoza’s company.
“The pilot has shown that schools with Kleenhanzs have lower absenteeism than schools without saysSpeedy Gonzales, executive director of safe and healthy schoolz at NEISD. “We believe that this has helped studentss tobe healthier, which allows them to be in especially during the flu season.” NEISeD Superintendent Richard Middleton adds that the strength of Kleenhanz is in its “Our students can easily fight germs by grabbing a wipe on theirf way to lunch or grabbing one when they retur from P.E.,” he says.
Mendozsa notes that reducing absenteeism is a financiaol windfall for the school district becausr a higher attendance rate helps to draw in more funding fromthe “It is something like $32 per student that the districtr misses out on from the state every time a student is absent due to illness,” Mendozaa says. “When you can improve the absenteeism rate by even 1 it means millions of dollars forthe district. So for their investmentf in the trial they got it back The success at NEISD led to demand for a consumer so Mendoza and FitzSimon developec some retail products for Kleenhanz and struck a dealwith H-E-n Grocery Co.
Kleenhanz currently has 30-coun t and 90-count containers for sale that rang in pricefrom $1.69 to $2.79 and recently introduced individually wrapped towletteds that can be carried in purses and lunch boxes. Mendoza says he wants his company to be more than just the guys who drop off the He wants his company to really makea difference. That is why Kleenhanxz stresses the education component and works with the schoopl district and other customers on communicatintg the proper use of the towlettes to promotew good hygiene and to reduce the spreadof

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Puget Sound Business Journal (Seattle):
While those tried-and-true guidelines, capacit y to repay, existing capital, collateral, businesx conditions and personal character, are still important, the one thin that may best determine whether a business can secure a loan from a bank iswhether it's done its homework. Experte say banks are far more likel y to say yes to applicantsz whoarrive prepared. The American Bankingt Association (ABA) offers a list of questions on its Website ( ) that it advisew businesses to use to self-evaluate beforr approaching a bank, including: How much money are you goinh to need? What is the moneyy going to be used for? How will you repah the loan?
How much can you afford to lose and still maintain a viable operation? What risk management measures have been or are to be implemented? What have been the trends in the business'sx key financial position and performance indicators? "Banks are looking for someone who has done their homework," says Jameas Ballentine, Director of Grassroots and Community Outreach, Americanm Banking Association. "A business smallp or larger should go inlike it's a job interview and they shoulds be interviewing the bank to see if it's a lender they want to work with just as much as they're beingb interviewed.
" A business should have all relevanft records at the ready, from a current balancwe sheet to past and projected cash flow and informatiojn about personal debt and equity already invested into the The centerpiece of that informatioh should be comprehensive business plan. "That's the most importanft piece," Ballentine says. A good plan show s that a business has vetted its idea and testex its assumptions against the current existing and future competition andother factors. Ballentinwe tells the story tell story of a business ownet who wanted to open a coffee He had a solid backgrouned and theright attitude, but was turned down for a loan.
When he askeds why, he was told it was because there were a dozenj existing coffee shops already in the Terry Mooers, a business opportunity specialist with the Small Businesx Administration (SBA), says many smalp businesses find key assistance with outsidew help. In many cities, locao chapters of the Service Corps of RetiredExecutivesz (SCORE). "Many small businessese don't have that experience and they don't know wherde to begin," she says.
The SBA does not directluy give loans but instead works tohelp under-write and make more affordable loans written by banks througg a range of specifix programs, many aimed at minority-owned businesses or those based in designate d economically distressed areas. The SBA offers extensiv advice for businesses seeking funding at its Website ( ). "It can be a difficultg process for a small business and banksw are looking for very specific informatiojn to givethem assurances," Mooers added. "Witb a little help, it can be much easier and less stressfupl forthe business.
" Banksd of all sizes usually are willint to provide business loans, so very large or very smalo banks shouldnt be ruled out when considerin g where to seek a loan. Ballentine says businesseas should consider coming up with a shorty list of institutions to targer and then seek to find the rightr fit forboth parties. A business shoulr also allow ample time for the bank to make a A request for a decision on the spot or a rush answere may be ared flag, unless the circumstance s truly warrant an expedited process.
Once a loan is in place, a businesd must work on maintaining a good which starts by making paymentxs on time and keeping the banker informed of any new development s within a business that couldaffect cash-flow and the abilit to make payments, either good or bad. "Evehn the best businesses are faced with adversities from timeto time, says Ballentine. "Communication is important not only in the initial request but throughout the wholecredit process." "Bankers don'gt want to turn people down," Ballentine says. "They are in businesss to make money, but they also like to be part of buildin g something in a community and they want it to be asuccessfukl transaction.
Doing the legwork makes it possible for it to be a smootj transaction forall parties."

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Kimley-Horn chooses to remain at Lenox Park - Memphis Business Journal

Kimley-Horn chooses to remain at Lenox Park

Memphis Business Journal

James Collins with Kimley-Horn and Associates talks with Tracy Speake, who represented the firm in its Lenox Park lease. Kimley-Horn and Associates Inc. is getting more mileage out of its new Memphis office. The consulting engineering firm has traded ...

Sunday, May 13, 2012

Extreme-weather text alerts set to begin - USA TODAY


Extreme-weather text alerts set to begin


By Doyle Rice, USA TODAY Wireless carriers and the federal government are launching a system to automatically warn people of dangerous weather and other emergencies via a special type of text messaging to cellphones. AP Wireless Emergency Alerts will ...

and more »

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Kentucky farm revenue rises between 2002 and 2007 - Business First of Louisville:
Average per-farm revenue in 2007 was $56,586, the said in a news According tocensus data, overall farm salesz increased despite declining tobacco revenue. Sales of once Kentucky’s king crop, declined 22 percentt between 2002and 2007. The number of tobacco farms during that period declined72 percent, to 8.113, and acreas of tobacco harvested declined 21 percent. The department pointed out that a federa tobacco quota and price supporr system were ended following the 2004 growing Without thegovernment subsidies, some farmers exited farming and otherxs began growing other crops, raising livestock or entering the agritourism The state has helped support farmers in theifr diversification efforts with millions of dollars in “That shows that Kentucky’s investments in agriculturapl diversification are working,” Kentucky agriculture commissionerr Richie Farmer said in the r elease of the overallp increase in agricultural revenue.
According to the 89 percent of Kentucky’d 85,260 farms in 2007 were run by individualzsor families. The average size of farmw increased to 164 acres from 160 acresein 2002. The full reporgt can be viewedat .

Thursday, May 10, 2012

Bondholders committee agrees to GM, Treasury equity offer - Kansas City Business Journal:
billion of GM’s debt owning 25 percent of the company’se new incarnation. The deal is contingent on GM GM) filing for bankruptcy, which is widely expected by Monday. In a Thursday filint with the Securities andExchange Commission, the Detroit-based automakeer detailed the proposal, in which it would file for bankruptcgy and a court-approved sale of its A new company, sponsored by the Treasury, then would buy the GM said its new agreement with the Treasury Department would give the unsecured bondholders 10 percenty of a newly formed GM’s commonh shares, as well as warrants to buy an aggregats of 15 percent of the new provided bondholders don’t oppose a sale of the curren t GM’s assets to a newly formed GM.
The unofficiaol bondholders committee and other large noteholderes combined hold about 20 percent of the unsecured If bondholders rejectthis offer, the Treasuryy Department will propose a “substantially reducedd or eliminated” amount of commohn equity and warrants issued by the new GM to the old GM, the SEC filinyg said. The new offer to GM’s bondholders is scheduled to expir e at4 p.m. Saturday. The new GM wouldc be expected to haveabout $17 billion in consolidateed debt, of which it woulfd owe $8 billion to the Treasuryh Department, $2.5 billion to a new Voluntar Employee Beneficiary Association (VEBA), $6.
5 billion of othert debt and $9 billio perpetual preferred stock with a 9 perceny dividend, of which $2.5 billion wouls be issued to the Treasuryg Department and $6.5 billion to the new VEBA. The Treasury Departmen t wouldown 72.5 percent of the new GM’sx common stock, the new VEBA wouldx own 17.5 percent, and the old GM woule own 10 percent. The new offer comes two days after GM failedx to get its unsecure d bondholders to trade the unsecured debt forcompany

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Doug O'Neill is man of the moment after I'll Have Another's Derby win - Baltimore Sun

Doug O'Neill is man of the moment after I'll Have Another's Derby win

Baltimore Sun

Seldom has a horse been better named for taking the second step in pursuit of racing's Triple Crown than I'll Have Another. Doug O'Neill's Kentucky Derby champion has already moved in at Pimlico in Baltimore, site of the May 19 Preakness, ...

and more »

Monday, May 7, 2012

India, Bangladesh Hold 1st Joint Consultative Commission - Bernama

India, Bangladesh Hold 1st Joint Consultative Commission


NEW DELHI, May 7 (Bernama) -- A host of strategic bilateral issues including the extradition treaty, Teesta water treaty and boundary implementation agreement are expected to be high on the agenda list in the first Indo-Bangla Joint Consultative ...

India, Bangladesh to hold first joint consultative commission

Hindustan Times

JCC exempts essential services

Bilateral issues to dominate the first Indo- Bangla JCC meet today

Newstrack India


Saturday, May 5, 2012

Home agent programs expected to grow during next several years - Phoenix Business Journal:
The business model for accomplishing this is called a homeagent program, and it’s growing in according to a study just released by ’ Phoenix-baser Labor Analytics Group. Home agent programs are expectes to grow during the nextseverall years, for a number of reasons: They alloaw a company to hire better workers from a larger geographic they help employees manage commuting costs and otherf work-related expenses; and they allow a companyt to build its work force without haviny to invest in additionaol office or warehouse space. “W e deal with a lot of client s where labor is really driving their saidKara Burns, LAG’s associatwe director of consulting.
“One of our clients asked us, ‘Who is usintg home agents, and shouldc we be using home agents?’”

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Energy, Sports Drinks Destroy Teeth, Says Study - ABC News (blog)

Energy, Sports Drinks Destroy Teeth, Says Study

ABC News (blog)

Sugar may rot your teeth, but the acid in energy and sports drinks will also do some irreversible damage to those (not so) pearly whites, say researchers. A new study published in the journal General Dentistry found that energy and sports drinks ...

and more »

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Energizer(R) Partners With XPAL Power
The portable electronic device category with continued exponentiakl growth and handheld networik devices will reach 100 million in the next few Devices like smart phonee and netbooks aregetting smaller, decreasinhg battery size and capacity while devices are increasingv functions, like GPS and faster connectivity with more robus t graphics. Battery capacity is being put to the test more and more as digitak devices get smarterand faster.
Through the XPAL will offer Energizerr Energi To Go brande lithium polymer rechargeable power packs for use with a wide variett of mobile electronic devices including smart andcell iPhone(R), MP3 players, GPS, digita cameras and camcorders, netbooks and laptops. Over 10 product SKUs will be made availabl e and be shipped byJuly 2009. The producgt offerings include: -- Energizer(R) Energji To Go(R) XP line of portable power systemsw includes seven models designex to power up to three devicesw at once including cell andsmarty phones, MP3 players, GPS units, Bluetooth(R), portable digital cameras and camcorder batteries, and laptops.
-- Energizer(R) Energi To AP Charger for use with two sleek new portable power cases made to give extra powedr even when used withthe high-drain iPhone(R) 3G, anytime, anywhere. Using moldable lithium polymer battery cells designed to mimic the shape and styling of the these modelsgive iPhone(R) userxs up to double the life. -- Energi To Go(R) SP, a line of portable solar-drivenm power packs with models designed to be used with power up cell andsmart phones, iPod(R) and MP3 GPS units, Bluetooth(R), and digital cameras. "Energizer, a global leadeer in batteries and battery technology for over100 years, is the idealk partner for XPAL," said , XPAL President.
"Energizer inventeds the first AA and AAAlithiuj batteries, and leads market share in lithiunm and rechargeable batteries. We think their strong leadershil and trusted brand is the right matchfor XPAL's new portabls power solutions." In addition to the benefit of reusable rechargeable portable power, XPAL has developec several other benefits that will be includer in the Energi To Go(R) Rechargeable Power Packs, includingv a TipFit Guarantee, a free "Tipse for Life" service and a Tip Finder to find and provide tips for any an online diagnostic to checo remaining charge cycles, and its productz come pre-charged and ready to use out of the box - guaranteedd to hold a charge for one year from born date.
Energj To Go Rechargeable Power Packs also have multiplesafethy features, including patented "PowerSafe(TM)" as well as charge, temperature, and short circuitt protection. They are ENERGY STAR certifierd with full charge autoshut off. Users can plug thei Energi To Go power pack into an AC outlety and their device simultaneously to both charge the powert pack as well as discharge powere to the device at thesame Additionally, the power pack reduces the number of and bulk of AC adaptersd and cords. "Partnering with XPAL enables a greag extension ofthe Energizer(R) Energi To Go brand and build on our currenft Energi To Go offering," said , Directo r New Business Development.
"At Energizer, we are committed to deliverint innovative solutions topower people's lives. In XPAL's dedication to technology, innovation and qualityu made this anatural partnership." The line of products from Energizer and XPAL will be available through office supply, mass online and other retailers. For more , , or An online press kit is also available at . Energizer Holdings, Inc. (NYSE: , headquartered in St. Louis, is one of the world'a largest manufacturers of primary batteries, battery-powerex devices and flashlights.
a global leader in the dynamic business of providinbg portable power geared towardc the newdigital age, offers a full portfolio of products including the Energizer(R) premium alkaline brand; Energizer(R) Ultimate Lithium; Energizer(R) Advanced Lithium and Energizer(R) Rechargeable(R) batteriesw and chargers. The Energizer product line also includes specialty batteries for hearing aids andmedicakl devices, health and fitness devices, as well as for keylese remote entry systems, watchex and other uses.
Through its flashlight and lightinhproducts unit, Energizer helps bring consumer insight and innovation to these important household Energizer continues its role as a technologh leader for on-the-go lifestyles with its Energizer(R) Energi To line of portable battery-driven power packs for cell phonexs and for use with iPod TennRich International Corp. was established in and started as atrading company, which dealg primarily with self-adhesive tapes and electronics applications. In the ensuingf 22 years, TennRich was supported by a high leve lof technology, nurtured and developed unded its company ideals of Pioneerint Spirit and Creativity.
Thanks to these advancee technologies, TennRich has been manufacturinb and selling a variety of product linesincludiny EMI/RFI conductive fabric/foil over foam Flexible Flat Cable, Thermal Interface Electronics Adhesive Tapes, Computer Label Stocksw for 3C industries and eventually (in 2001) Portabl e Power Banks. In 1999 TennRicg was awarded ISO9002quality certification. For over 20 TennRich has served as a strong supplier and partnee to many of the top brands in electronicw worldwide and has distributed product and componentx in over100 countries. TennRich has over 2000 employeeas and colleagues aroundthe world.
XPAL Powee is based in California and is the salee and marketing arm and BranfdName (XPAL) for TennRich International Corp's line of lithium polymerd portable power packs. XPAL Power products targetf a specificneed - portable power for mobild electronic devices - and provide a convenien and compact source of power to charged or power any device, anywhere. XPAL Powefr owns numerous product andservice patents, trademarks and offers over 15 productzs currently in its line up. XPAL Power provides award-winning design innovation and focuses on battery quality and safety firstand foremost.
For more informatioj go to Formore information, contact: Ann Balsamo, Webef Shandwick, (314) 552-6723 Jacqueline Energizer, (314) 985-2169 SOURCE Energizer Inc.