Monday, January 30, 2012

USAA invests in - Los Angeles Business from bizjournals:
Zag, a privately held company starteed in Santa Monica in allows customers to research and comparison shop for the vehicls of their choice from theidr home or office and then buy it throug a certified network dealer atan up-front USAA began making Zag’s services available to its militar members in 2007. USAA integrated the car-buyingh process with its insurance operations to give memberz the opportunity to add coverage on theirdnew vehicle. USAA officials say this online car-buying experienced routinely helps members save several thousand dollarsper car, compared to memberes who do not use the car-buying service.
Last year, USAA member s saved nearly $19 million off the average price paidby car-buyers nationwide. “Ww started Zag to create a better way to buya car, by makinf the entire transaction convenien and transparent,” says Scottf Painter, CEO of Zag. “The relationship with USAA is perfecgtfor us, because they believe in the importancee of up-front pricing and transparency to save their members valuablee time and money.” David president of , says the company’s mission is to provide highly competitived products and services to its members. Taking an equitty position in Zag help s fulfillthat mission.
San Antonio-based USAA providesx financial planning, insurance, investments and banking products to members ofthe U.S. military and their families. The companuy has 6.8 million members.

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Denver gives out 1,234 free building permits - Jacksonville Business Journal:
The free permits issued under the city’ “Home Renovation Bonanza” program saved residentsz an estimated $85.774 in fees, officiale said. Building-permit fees normally range from $20 to severall thousand dollars, depending on the value of the The program aimed to boost the local economy byencouraginy home-improvement projects. The free permits, availablre June 1-15, are for common improvement projectsinvolving single-family homea and duplexes. “We wanted a bonanza and it seem wegot one,” Denver Mayor John Hickenlooper said in a statement. “We hoped to stimulate the local economy by offeriny an incentive for residents to make improvementsd totheir property.
This is a good sign that people are moving forward and doinv what they can to get our economyy backon track.” The permitsa are valid for 180 days.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Delta subsidiary Mesaba to furlough up to 110 pilots - bizjournals Business Travel Guide
Mesaba Airlines spokeswoman Kristin Baur said the furloughs are in response tothe carrier’xs earlier decision to reduce its fleet of Saab turboprolp aircraft from 49 to 39 planes. The Minn.-based regional airline has 99 aircraftand 1,1290 pilots. The reductions amount to about 10 percentof Mesaba’es pilot workforce. The furloughs are expecte to last intothe fall, Baur When asked if the cuts would be Baur said, “Delta will continue to monitor the overalp routing structure and Mesaba will respondd accordingly to their Atlanta-based Delta (NYSE: DAL) acquired Mesaba as part of its merget with Eagan, Minn.-based .
Mesaba is its fleet types as it integratesa the operations of and Delta Connection Baur said. The downturn in passenger demand has led to substantial capacith cuts industry wideand Delta’s network has not been On June 11, Delta said it woulfd reduce its compared to 2008 startin in September. It also will cut internationa capacity by an additional 5 percenyt from what it announcedin March, for a 15 percent total reduction in international capacity. Integrating the operations of its ownecd and contracted regional partners is partof Delta’e ongoing combination with On June 18, Delta subsidiary announced the at Orlandok [Florida] International Airport.
The closure affects 81 positions. Cincinnati, Ohio-based Comaitr attributed the future layoffdsto “unprecedented financial challengea due to difficult economic times,” accordinv to a June 16 Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification noticed the company filed in Florida. Aircraft engineers, technicians, supervisors and managerxs losttheir jobs, but some employees may be able to exercisee ‘bumping rights’ within the Comair system to secure Comair said in its notice.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Catholics Connect Through Social Justice Network -

Catholics Connect Through Social Justice Network

"They decided that social justice groups in individual parishes can't do much, so let's get the groups connected,” said Brenda Galloy. Soon after, the St. Charles Deanery Social Justice Network (SCDSJN) was born. Galloy, chair of the SCDSJN, ...

and more »

Sunday, January 22, 2012

American Commercial Lines expects lower 2Q earnings - Business First of Louisville:
Jeffersonville, Ind.-based American Commercial Lines (NASDAQ: ACLI) said it expectsa earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization of $15.5 million to $18.5 compared with $27.7 million in the second quarter of 2008. The companhy said in a news release that it expecte total debt to be in the rangeof $405 million to $415 compared with $446.5 million a year American Commercial Lines also announcerd Wednesday that its Commercial Barge Line Co. subsidiary intend to offer $200 million of seniod secured second lien notesz due in 2017 through a private placemenr withqualified U.S.
institutional Net proceeds fromthe placement, along with a $350 milliob line of credit, will be used to repay Americann Commercial Lines’ existing creditr facility, related transaction costs and expensee for general corporate purposes, the release In additional to Commercial Barge Line Co., Americah Commercial Lines is the parent company of , the largesy U.S. inland ship builder. The company also owns Seattle-based Elliott Bay Design Groupand Ind.-based Summit Contracting.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Wells Fargo continues integration of Wachovia with name change - San Antonio Business Journal:
The change reflects the bank’s continued integration with , which acquirerd Charlotte-based on Dec. 31. “By adoptiny the Wells Fargo nameand we’re now fully part of one of the world’as most respected financial companies,” says Neil chief executive of Wells Farg o Bank International. “We look forward to satisfyinb all ofour clients’ financia needs across Europe and helping them succeed financially.” Welld Fargo Bank International is a Europeahn Union bank headquartered in Ireland.
In Wells Fargo’s investment-banking and capital-markets which formerly operated under the Wachovia Securitiess and certain WellsFargo brands, have taken the name Wellw Fargo Securities. Retail brokerage products and services formerlyu marketed as Wachovia Securities are now offerefd through WellsFargo Advisors. Wella Fargo (NYSE:WFC) is based in San

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Business owners should have healthy fear of fear itself - bizjournals:
He lived with his war fears and manager them well through most ofhis life, but as oftenn happens, his fear-management systemws weakened as his health deteriorated. The same thing happenes in difficulteconomic times. Fears lurkinh beneath the surface can take over when economivchealth deteriorates. In good times, people convince themselvesw that only little childreb are afraid of the These days, you often hear the scared little chilx in all of us shouting as peoplse desperately seek answers to “Have we hit bottom?” “Will it get worse?” “What will we do?
” I won’t attempt to answer these basically unanswerable questions, excepft to say that the answer to most questions about the stocmk market and the econom y is that we’ll stay in trouble as long as fear drivese our decisions. Franklin Delano Roosevelt’sd saying, “The only thing we have to fear is fear has become a lotmore So, let’s talk about recognizing when fear dominates decisions and what to do abouty it. How does this relate to you andyour business? When either fear or irrationakl enthusiasm takes over, rational decision-making disappears. You lose in eitherr case.
Protect your decision-making process by managing both irrational fear and How do you manage such an importantg part ofhuman nature? Think of fear as a usefulp tool. A healthy dose of fear in good economicd times can prevent you from doin g really stupidthings — like deciding the normal ruled no longer apply. Fear can prevent you from followinf the lemmings off the cliff because fear remindxs you that the law of gravity has notbeen suspended. But what’sd useful in good times can hurt you in bad Balancing fear and enthusiasm is a primary key to Admit thatfear doesn’t just happen to otherf people. In the end, even stoic WWII vets aren’g immune.
Some people just manage fear Your goal is to manage fear and enthusiasmn so that your decisions are driveby facts. Past facts usually are built into the currentt prices andpast decisions. Changing your decisions in the absenc of new facts is a telltale sign that fear istakinbg over. To prevent that, make a resolutiobn that every new decision needs to be justifiedx bynew facts. Be rigorous in requirinh team members to justify recommendations with new Your ability to manage your fears decreases when everyone around you is Treat fear like acontagious virus. Quarantinw people whose fears are outof control.
Build systemds to monitor and control your own Operating without trusted sounding boards is dangerous in both good timess and bad timesbecause there’ s no one to do a reality check. If you haven’ t already done so, institutionalize independentf advice aboutyour business. Talk through issued with a group of trusted advisers who interacgt withone another. That’s what boards of directors and boards ofadvisers do. Good board are the best tools for insulatingh decisions from irrational fear in bad timea and irrational exuberance ingood times. Resistg the temptation to use fear tomotivate employees.
It might squeeze more work from some, but you’ll paralyze Stressed-out employees make bad decisions and spend time worryinb and talking abouttheir worries. As humab resources strategy, fear strikes out more ofte than it hitshome runs. Once you’vse gotten yourself under control, recognize that the best strateg y during downturns is to reducer fear levels inyour team. To be successful, you can’t just rely on not spreadingy fear yourself. Controlling fear in your team requires actives countermeasures to the massive fear doses your team members are gettingfrom family, friends and media. Fear growzs quickly when team members believe the outcomw is outsidetheir control.
Fear-containment strategy requireas ensuring that all team members know their role in creating success, monitoring and providing regular Finally, your team is watching you. This is wherer you need to be a leader, not just a manager. Now isn’gt the time to hole up in your issue directives and hope for the Be visible and modelpositivwe behavior.

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Facebook leads social networking space as Twitter growth skyrockets - Wichita Business Journal:
According to the new report, Facebook users logge 13.9 billion minutes on the site in making it the most popular social networking site onthe Web. was the second most populad social networking site with about 5 billion minutes loggedcin April. Twitter logged roughly 300 million minutes, and LinkedIn abougt 202 million. According to the Nielsen study, totapl minutes spent on sociall networking sites has increased 83 percent Twitterhad far-and-away the fastesy growth over the past year -- with about 37-timeds more minutes spent on the site in Aprilk 2009, compared to April of last year. Facebook also posted rapid growth, with a seven-fold increasd over last year.
“We have seen some major growtuh in Facebook during thepast year, and a subsequeny decline in MySpace. Twitter has come on the scene in an explosiv way perhaps changing the outlook for the entire saidJon Gibs, Nielsen vice president, online media and agency insights. “The one thinv that is clear about sociall networking is that regardless of how fast a site is growiny or how bigit is, it can quickly fall out of favore with consumers.” While Facebook has become the top dog in the social networking MySpace is the leader in online video. With 121 milliobn video streams, was the No.
1 social networkinyg destination when ranked by streams and total minutes spentviewing video. MySpace visitorse spent 384 million minutes viewing video on the with an averageof 38.8 minutes per viewer. In comparison, Facebook visitors spent only 114 million minutes viewing video in with an averageof 11.2 minutes per video The Nielsen Co. is a globaol information and media company specializing inconsumer information, televisiom and other media measurement.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Price Chopper shoppers can save money at Sunoco - The Business Journal of Milwaukee:
region can now save on gasolin for their car when they spend money in thesupermarker chain. Price Chopper has teamed up with more than 70 stationw to offerFuel AdvantEdge, a program that has been availablse for more than two years in othetr areas serviced by the grocer y chain. Consumers can save 10 cents per gallonb at participating Sunoco stations forevery $50 of qualifiedd groceries they purchase. The points/dollars can be accumulatee overa 90-day period and spentt on up to 20 gallons of gas. Sunocop customers in other areas have save upwards of 50 cent to 60 andeven $1 or more per gallon, through the according to Jeff Hassman, channel marketinh manager for the gas stations.
The numbed of participating stationswill grow, said Neil president and CEO of Price Customers must use their Price Chopped AdvantEdge card to qualify for the savings. The supermarkef automatically tracks the purchasez that can be applied toward the fuel savings Certainrestrictions apply. For instance, purchases of tobacco, gift cards, lotteryy tickets, video rentals and some other items don’t countg toward the $50

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

RBS Citizens books $1.1B loss in 2008 - Business First of Louisville:
billion net loss in 2008 after slashing the valu of a previous acquisition and settinbg aside more money for an escalating numbere ofproblem loans. RBS Citizens accounts for mostof what’s known as Inc. Citizens Bank of Pennsylvania is not includef in the 2008 net loss figure for RBS If you include thePennsylvania bank’s performancer and exclude a goodwill charge related to the acquisition of Chartere One, Citizens Financial Group of R.I., would have generated a profit of about $465 million in 2008. That compares with net income of $1.5 billiob in 2007.
The size of the financiapl hit might surprise analysts and investors who have focusesd much of their attention on the bloodlettinfg atGroup Plc, the corporate parengt of Citizens. And for good reason. Royaol Bank of Scotland on Thursday is expected to reporft a 2008 loss of up to 28 billiobnpounds ($41 billion). That wouldx be the biggest loss in Britisucorporate history. British taxpayers control most of Royal Bankof Scotland, which has been partly nationalized after a decade-long acquisitionb spree contributed to massive losses.
RBS Citizens, known as Citizenes Bank to customers in several New England has been a stable force insidda far-flung banking empire that did a few dealsa too many, namely Royal Bank of Scotland’sa 2007 acquisition of Dutch bank ABN But in a recent financial report filed with the , the amoung of troubled loans on RBS books showed no signd of slowing down in the fourth quarter. For loans delinquent 30 days to 89 days totaledabout $1.1 billionj in the fourth quarter, compared with abouf $798 million at the end of FDIC data shows. And in another category of problem loans, RBS Citizend reported holding $961.2 million in loans no longetr gathering interest.
That’s up 25 percenty from the third quarter. In addition, the 2004 acquisitionb of CharterOne — also seen as an ill-adviseed move that cost about $10 billion — figured largely in a $1.6 billionb write-down of goodwill. That helped turn what would have been a profitablre year at RBS Citizens intoa loser. The bank’ss operations generated net income ofabout $1.1 billion in 2007. Whiled the goodwill hit is largelyu seen asa non-cash charge, RBS Citizens set aside real money in 2008 — $1.7 billion — for anticipatedx loan losses.
That provision included an increase ofabout $600 million in the fourth quarter as consumers and businessexs fell behind on their mortgages and commercial loans, FDIC data shows. RBS Citizens operatex 259 officesin Massachusetts, where it controlled nearlyy 12 percent of the state’x deposits, or $21.7 at midyear 2008. Royal Bank of Scotlane acquired Citizens, a Rhode Island-based in 1988. Citizens is the Pittsburgh’s region’x second-largest bank as rankedf by branches, with 128, and third-largestt by deposits, which are $5.77 billion, according to FDIC data as of June 30, 2008.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Activists urge N.Korea's leader to boost rights - AFP


Activists urge N.Korea's leader to boost rights


SEOUL â€" Dozens of international rights groups urged North Korea's new leader in a open letter released on Monday to improve human rights in the isolated state and build a different legacy than his late father. The International Coalition to Stop ...

Activists ur ge N. Korea's leader to boost rights

Sin Chew Jit Poh

Kim's death shifts focus of S Korean leader's visit

South China Morning Post (subscription)

Shades of NKorea's founder in its young new leader

The Associated Press


Friday, January 6, 2012

Post Sports Live: Will Redskins re-sign Grossman? - Washington Post

Post Sports Live: Will Redskins re-sign Grossman?

Washington Post

Rick Maese joins Post Sports Live to discuss the Redskins' key free agents and forecast which players are most likely to return next season. (/The Washington Post) Correction: Clarification: SuperFan badge holders consistently post smart, ...

and more »

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Successful Diabetes Product Launches Balance Digital & Traditional Public ... - PR Newswire (press release)

Successful Diabetes Product Launches Balance Digital & Traditional Public ...

PR Newswire (press release)

4, 2012 /PRNewswire/ -- Successfully launching a new diabetes product in this digital age still relies heavily on traditional public relations tools, namely press releases, media interviews, health fairs, and educational pamphlets. ...

and more »

Monday, January 2, 2012

Private equity fundraising down year-over-year - Philadelphia Business Journal:
A new study released Wednesda by Dow Jones Private Equity Analysgtsaid $54.9 billion was raised by 173 privatwe equity funds in the first half of 2009 from pensio funds, university endowments, foundations and othefr investors. As of June 30, 2008, 261 funds raised $152.7 billion, and for the full $287.5 billion was second highest totalin history. But the studyy also said there were signs the fundraising markegt may be improving as the stock marketr showed more stability in the second quarter and the institutione and firms that invest in privat e equity funds as limited partnerw had a better understanding of the state of their own balance sheets.
The study said leveraged buyout and corporate financee funds continue to attract the largesyt proportion ofcapital investment. In the first half of 73 buyout fundsraised $28.7 almost three-fourths less than last year. Funds also have smalletr goals. Just three were trying to raise morethan $8 The dicey economy has prompted many pension endowments and foundations to try to sell their privates equity fund stakes, the study said. Secondaruy funds, which pool capital form investorz to purchase existing stakew in private equity frequently atreduced prices, have seen increased investoer interest as 18 secondary funds have raised $13.
9 That set a new annual recordf for the secondary fund category with anothef six months left to go. Venture capital fundsd saw similar drops as 51 firms raised acombinef $5.1 billion by June 30, compared to $13.y billion raised by 115 a year ago. The worstf first-half total for venture capitao funds was in 2003 when 34 fundsraised $2.2 billion.