Wednesday, December 23, 2009

US set for Senate vote on healthcare reform - BBC News

Globe and Mail

US set for Senate vote on healthcare reform

BBC News

US senators are preparing to vote on the final Senate version of a historic healthcare reform bill. The legislation aims to cover 31 million uninsured Americans and could lead to the biggest change in US healthcare in decades. ...

Senate vote nears on health care bill

Houston Chronicle

Senate and House in search of health-care compromise

Washington Post

GOP fights to the end on health

Boston Globe

New York Times -Los Angeles Times -CNN


Cedar siding Cary

One Hurdle Remains in Senate - Wall Street Journal

ABC News

One Hurdle Remains in Senate

W »

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Parties Stay United as Health Bill Clears Steps in Senate - New York Times


Parties Stay United as Health Bill Clears Steps in Senate

New York Times

WASHINGTON â€" The Senate voted 60 to 39 early Tuesday on three steps leading up to a final vote on sweeping health care legislation later this week. Democrats remained united in favor; Republicans united in ...

Health Care: Key Differences Between House and Senate Bills

ABC News

Senate moves health bill forward


Senate health-care reform bill passes another hurdle

Washington Post

Boston Globe -Voice of America -Radio Iowa


Monday, December 21, 2009

The Price Is Right? Payoffs for Senators Typical in Health Care Bill - FOXNews

Times Online

The Price Is Right? Payoffs for Senators Typical in Health Care Bill


While Sen. Ben Nelson got a particularly juicy concession -- permanent and full federal aid for his state's expanded Medicaid population -- in the health care bill, support from a slew of other senators likewise came with its price. Monday: Sen. ...

Senate Democrats Unite to Advance Key Health Care Reform Bill

Voice of America

Nelson says vote to advance health care necessary

The Associated Press

Health bill passage in sight after key vote

MarketWatch -St. Louis American


Sunday, December 20, 2009

Nelson Accused of Selling Vote on Health Bill for Nebraska Pay-Off - FOXNews

ABC News

Nelson Accused of Selling Vote on Health Bill for Nebraska Pay-Off


What started as Sen. Ben Nelson's personal stand against covering abortion with taxpayer money translated, somehow, into millions of dollars in federal aid for his home state -- drawing criticism that his vote was bought. What started as Sen. ...

Senate Democrats seek to seal health care overhaul

The Associated Press

Senate healthcare bill set to pass by Christmas

Los Angeles Times

Negotiating to 60 Votes, Compromise by Compromise

New York Times

Boston Globe -Omaha World-Herald -Chicago Tribune


Saturday, December 19, 2009

Health care holdout Nelson reaches agreement, senators say - CNN

Kansas City Star

Health care holdout Nelson reaches agreement, senators say


Sen. Ben Nelson has reached an agreement with Democratic leaders on health care reform, senators say. Washington (CNN) -- US Sen. Ben Nelson, the lone Democratic holdout on the Senate health care reform bill, has reached an agreement with Democratic ...

US Democrats strike deal on health bill


Democrats Secure 60 Votes on Health Bill

W »

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Hillary Clinton Pledges $100B for Developing Countries - New York Times


Hillary Clinton Pledges $100B for Developing Countries

New York Times

COPENHAGEN -- Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton has promised the United States will help raise $100 billion annu »

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Police Beat Back Massed Climate Protesters - New York Times

Police Beat Back Massed Climate Protesters

New York Times

COPENHAGEN â€" Police officers fired tear gas and wielded batons on Wednesday to beat back hundreds of demonstrators outside the global climate meeting here, as a police spokesman said 250 people had been arrested. ...

Police hold 230 as climate protesters storm barricades


Activists arrested in Copenhagen protests

CNN International

We are in an  »

Monday, December 14, 2009

Democrats Drop Plan to Expand Medicare - Wall Street Journal

Democrats Drop Plan to Expand Medicare

W »

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Senate Passes Spending Bill Amid Debate on Debt - New York Times

ABC News

Senate Passes Spending Bill Amid Debate on Debt

New York Times

WASHINGTON â€" The Senate on Sunday approved a $446.8 billion spending package that will keep much of the federal government running through next September. Harry Hamburg/Associated Press Senator Kent Conrad speaking at a news conference ...

Disputes threaten '09 passage of health bill

Washington Post

Two Senators Doubt Medicare Compromise

W »

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Houston elects openly gay mayor - Reuters

Washington Post

Houston elects openly gay mayor


HOUSTON (Reuters) - Houston Saturday became the first major US city to elect an openly gay mayor, Annise Parker, after a hotly contested run-off election that gave gay and lesbian supporters a symbolic victory following defeats over legalizing same-sex ...

Rick Casey: Advisers gave Locke wrong key

Houston Chronicle

Houston elects first openly gay mayor

Los Angeles Times

Houston Is Largest City to Elect Openly Gay Mayor

New York Times

The Associated Press -Bloomberg


Friday, December 11, 2009

For Tiger, the games are over -

Times Online

For Tiger, the games are over

After more than 20 years of covering everything from election campaigns to the Olympic Games, Robert Lusetich will focus on his first love, golf, and specific »

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Shortage of H1N1 flu vaccine appears to be easing in California - Los Angeles Times

Shortage of H1N1 flu vaccine appears to be easing in California

Los Angeles Times

The shortage of H1N1 flu vaccine appears to be easing in California, prompting a few counties to begin offering inoculations to the public, health officials said Thursday. Ventura and Sacramento counties now have no limitations on ...

Swine flu vaccine to be widely available in Illinois

Chicago Tribune

Texas health officials open swine flu shots to  »

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Senate deal raises questions, draws fire - San Jose Mercury News


Senate deal raises questions, draws fire

San Jose Mercury News

By Alec macgillis WASHINGTON â€" While confusion reigned on Capitol Hill on Wednesday over the prospects and details of a Senate deal to replace a government-run insurance plan with other measures, it is not too soon to ask what it would mean for regular ...

Democrats See Room for Hope on Health Bill

New York Times

Medical groups balk at Medicare 'buy-in'

USA Today

For Some Ages 55 to 64, Medicare Will Cost Too Much

W »

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Senate Democrats reach deal on 'public option' health plan - USA Today

ABC News

Senate Democrats reach deal on 'public option' health plan

USA Today

WASHINGTON â€" Senate Democrats have reached a tentative deal on the divisive issue of government-run health insurance, a development that bolstered chances for health care legislation passing this year, Senate Majority Leader ...

Senate tentatively agrees to remove public option

Washington Post

Democrats reach deal on health plan


Senate Democrats Reach Tentative Agreement on Health Bill

W »

Monday, December 7, 2009

'NOVA' looks at Japanese midget sub in Pearl Harbor attack - Los Angeles Times

Los Angeles Times

'NOVA' looks at Japanese midget sub in Pearl Harbor attack

Los Angeles Times

By AP HONOLULU (AP) â€" The PBS science series "NOVA" plans to broadcast a documentary presenting evidence that a torpedo fired from a Japanese midget submarine may have struck the USS Oklahoma during the Dec. 7, 1941, attack on Pearl Harbor. ...

9/11 in the Shadow of Pearl Harbor

Huffington Post (blog)

Pearl Harbor Day: Survivors tell their stories

Yuma Sun

Pearl Harbor: Memories of that day of infamy

Minneapolis Star Tribune

The News Herald -Porterville Recorder -KGWN


Sunday, December 6, 2009

No Firm Plans for a US Exit in Afghanistan - New York Times


No Firm Plans for a US Exit in Afghanistan

New York Times

WASHINGTON â€" The Obama administration sent a forceful public message Sunday that American military forces could remain in Afghanistan for a long time, seeking to blunt criticism that President Obama had sent the wrong signal in his ...

Pakistan Tribes Helping Fight Terrorist 'Assassins,' Malik Says


Afghanistan surge: What can it accomplish in 18 months?

Christian Science Monitor

Barack Obama's deadline to bring troops home from Afghanistan starts to slip

Times Online

Voice of America -AFP


Saturday, December 5, 2009

Obama, Senate Democrats to Meet Sunday on Health Care - Wall Street Journal

New York Daily News

Obama, Senate Democrats to Meet Sunday on Health Care

W »

Friday, December 4, 2009

Amanda Knox's aunt says hearing verdict was 'gut-wrenching' - CNN International

Amanda Knox's aunt says hearing verdict was 'gut-wrenching'

CNN International

Amanda Knox's parents, Curt Knox and Edda Mellas, are swarmed by journalists after leaving the Perugia, Italy courthouse. (CNN) -- Sitting at her home in West Seattle, Washington, Amanda Knox's aunt Janet Huff was watching the ...

Profile: Meredith Kercher

BBC News

Knox sentenced to 26 years in Italy; family to appeal


Appeal planned...Scores killed...Banks shut down

9&10 News

GlobalPost -KOMO News


Thursday, December 3, 2009

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Obama's War Speech Wins Over Some Skeptics - New York Times

Obama's War Speech Wins Over Some Skeptics

New York Times

A month ago, Donnie Jones, a 40-year-old Republican who lives outside D »

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Barack Obama orders 30000 more troops to Afghanistan - BBC News


Barack Obama orders 30000 more troops to Afghanistan

BBC News

US President Barack Obama has ordered 30000 more US troops to Afghanistan but warned America would begin to withdraw its military by 2011. The new deployment over six months will bring America's troop strength in the country to more than 100000, ...

Obama Sending 30000 More US Troops To Afghanistan

Voice of America

With Troops Go Demands

New York Times

Barack Obama sets out final push in Afghanistan

The Associated Press -Bloomberg -Reuters
