Friday, July 31, 2009

Dealers warned off Cash for Clunkers -


Dealers warned off Cash for Clunkers

Auto dealers' association advises members to play it safe and avoid Cash for Clunkers deals this weekend. By Peter Valdes-Dapena, senior writer From a 1997 Mercury Cougar to a 2009 Honda Pilot, 8 readers tell us why they decided to buy a ...

Chrysler May Change Incentive Plan to Double Rebate

W &ra! quo;

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Obama: This is not a 'beer summit,' just a talk - USA Today

Obama: This is not a 'beer summit,' just a talk

USA Today

President Obama just spoke about tonight's meeting with African-American scholar Henry Gates and police Sgt. James Crowley. Here's a pool report The Oval just filed with his White House colleagues. More to come later. NEWS: Obama says this is not a ...

White House 'Beer Summit' Becomes Something of a Brouhaha

W »

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Microsoft, Yahoo Agree On Search Deal Partnership - Wall Street Journal

Microsoft, Yahoo Agree On Search Deal Partnership

W »

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Frothy Diplomacy: What Beer Will Obama Choose for White House Meeting? - ABC News


Frothy Diplomacy: What Beer Will Obama Choose for White House Meeting?

ABC News

The President Hopes to Ease Tensions by Drinking Beer with Henry Louis Gates Jr. and Sgt. James Crowley By SCOTT MAYEROWITZ What is the right beer for President Obama to pick for his White House drink with police Sgt. James Crowley and Harvard scholar ...

Questions on race aspect of Henry Louis Gates case show sublety of ..! .

New York Daily News

Obama steps away from the office

Buffalo News

Obama hopes Gates, policeman can work things out over beer

Los Angeles Times

Detroit Free Press -Seattle Times


Monday, July 27, 2009

Forget Aloof, Bernanke Goes Barnstorming - New York Times

New Zealand Herald

Forget Aloof, Bernanke Goes Barnstorming

New York Times

Ben S. Bernanke, the Federal Reserve chairman, left, appeared Sunday in a town h »

Sunday, July 26, 2009

The state of the health care debate - Chicago Tribune

The state of the health care debate

Chicago Tribune

Multiple health care proposals are being discussed on Capitol Hill, revised and refined into single proposals in the House and Senate. In the House, three committees have signed off on a reform bill, but the Energy and Commerce Committee has yet to ...

Taming the Cost Drivers: Some Suggestions

Washington Post

Reforming health care

Arizona Daily Star

Are lobbyists silver lining in health care storm?

The Associated Press

AFP -Gary Post Tribune -Baltimore Sun


Saturday, July 25, 2009

Police unions don't get apology from Obama, but happy with reversal - New York Daily News

BBC News

Police unions don't get apology from Obama, but happy with reversal

New York Daily News

Cambridge police Sgt. James Crowley, far left, listens along with Cambridge Police Patrol Officers Union President Steve Killion, right, at a news conference in Cambridge, Mass. They didn't get an apology, but police unions could claim ...

Obama Moves to Dampen Uproar Over Comment on Race

ABC News

Gates isn't the face of racial profiling

Chicago Sun-Times

Arrest of Gates also shines a light on 'disorderly conduct' laws

Los Angeles Times

Philadelphia Inquirer -Detroit Free Press -FOXNews


Friday, July 24, 2009

Police debate Obama's remark - Los Angeles Times

Police debate Obama's remark

Los Angeles Times

One former chief says it could prompt some self-examination. Another c »

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Obama says healthcare overhaul needed to curb deficits - Reuters

BBC News

Obama says healthcare overhaul needed to curb deficits


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama said on Wednesday a broad healthcare overhaul was critical to a US economic recovery and urged Congress to take advantage of momentum behind the reform package, despite doubts about the ...

White House Official Links Health Care Plan to Fiscal Balance

New York Times

Obama's opening statement for news conference

FACT CHECK: Obama's health care claims adrift?

The Associated Press

ABC News -Voice of America -USA Today


Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Senate Dodges Obama Veto Threat - ABC News

Boston Globe

Senate Dodges Obama Veto Threat

ABC News

Senators put the brakes on a controversial effort to buy seven pricey fighter jets with taxpayer money today, avoiding a showdown that had promised to set the stage for President Obama's first potential ...

US Senate votes to stop production of F-22 jet


Senate rejects additional ! F-22 funding


Senate Roll C »

Monday, July 20, 2009

Poll Shows Obama Slipping - Washington Post


Poll Shows Obama Slipping

Washington Post

Heading into a critical period in the debate over health-care reform, public approval of President Obama's stewardship on the issue has dropped below the 50 percent threshold for the first time, according to a new Washington ...

Poll: Less faith in Obama's economic abilities

USA Today

Po! ll shows President Obama's approval numbers are slipping

New York Daily News

Obama has a very bad poll day

Kansas City Star

Los Angeles Times -Boston Globe


Sunday, July 19, 2009

US names soldier in Taliban video - BBC News

Los Angeles Times

US names soldier in Taliban video

BBC News

The soldier says he is scared he "won't be able to go home". The video appears as broadcast from the internet source The US military has identified a man shown on a Taliban video as an American soldier captured in Afghanistan. ...

Captured US soldier in Taliban video: Held by Haqqani network?

Christian Science Mo! nitor

US soldier captured by Taliban: 'I'm afraid'


Taliban release video of captured US soldier

Bloomberg -Voice of America -The Associated Press


Saturday, July 18, 2009

Friday, July 17, 2009

Democrats Voice Opposition to Health Care Bill - FOXNews

Boston Globe

Democrats Voice Opposition to Health Care Bill


Democrats are not as close to ramming a health care bill through Congress as they think. Some of their own colleagues may derail the legislation, mostly because Speaker Nancy Pelosi has excluded centrist Democrats from the bill's ...

Congress Braces for Showdown Over Health-Care Reform

U.S. News & World Re! port

House committee OK's health care bill

The Associated Press

House Panel Approves Health-Care Overhaul, Taxes Rich


Washington Times -City Journal


Thursday, July 16, 2009

Surprises join sure bets in Emmy field - USA Today

ABC News

Surprises join sure bets in Emmy field

USA Today

Surprises mixed with veterans in the nominations for Emmy Awards this morning, as cable series continued to dominate several top categories. Among top drama contenders, AMC's Breaking Bad and Mad Men, HBO's Big Love, ...

"30 Rock" and "Mad Men" lead Emmy field


2009 Emmy n! ominations: Who got snubbed? And which nominees rock?

Entertainment Weekly

'Family Guy' gets Emmy nomination for best comedy series

Los Angeles Times

People Magazine -Hollywood Reporter -The Associated Press


Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Obama May Rely on Partisan Vote for Health-Care Bill - Bloomberg

Washington Post

Obama May Rely on Partisan Vote for Health-Care Bill


July 15 (Bloomberg) -- President Barack Obama may rely only on Democrats to push health-care legislation through the US Congress if Republican resistance doesn't eventu »

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Analysis: Old arguments flare at hearings - The Associated Press

Analysis: Old arguments flare at hearings

The Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) â€" Sonia Sotomayor's Supreme Court confirmation hearing is evidence that nothing ever ends in the Senate, and proof that debates persist years after the votes are counted. The first Hispanic nominated to the Supreme Court, ...

New Yorkers play big role in hearings

Albany Times U! nion

Supreme Court Justice nominee Sonia Sotomayor defies labels

New York Daily News

GOP aims to paint Sotomayor as biased

Los Angeles Times

San Francisco Chronicle -New York Times -Philadelphia Inquirer


Sunday, July 12, 2009

Obama's first Supreme Court pick faces hearing - Reuters

Los Angeles Times

Obama's first Supreme Court pick faces hearing


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - President Barack Obama's pick to fill his first US Supreme Court vacancy, Sonia Sotomayor, goes before a Senate hearing on Monday with most people betting she already has enough votes to win confirmation. ...

GOP strategy looks beyond Sotomayor

Boston Globe

With Sotomayor enters a new era in judicial politics

USA Today

GOP Senators Are Set to Question Judge's Impartiality

New York Times -W »

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Lawmakers knew of surveillance, ex-CIA chief says - Los Angeles Times

Lawmakers knew of surveillance, ex-CIA chief says

Los Angeles Times

An angry Michael V. Hayden insists that top members of Congress were kept informed and supported the post-9/11 program. Associated Press Washington -- Former CIA Director Michael V. Hayden angrily struck back Saturday at assertions that the Bush ...

Cheney kept CIA program from Congress, source says


Cheney Role in CIA Secrecy Questioned

ABC News

Democrats May Investigate Secret Program

Washington Post

The Associated Press -Politico


Friday, July 10, 2009

Death toll from China's ethnic riots hits 184 - The Associated Press

ABC News

Death toll from China's ethnic riots hits 184

The Associated Press

URUMQI, China (AP) â€" China raised the death toll from riots in its Xinjiang region to 184, state media said Saturday, giving an ethnic breakdown of the dead for the first time after communal violence broke out in this far western city. ...

Death Toll Debated In China's Rioting

Washington Post!

Uighurs Force Opening of Mosques in Urumqi

W »

Thursday, July 9, 2009

G8 summit to pledge $15 billion to boost food supply - Reuters

ABC News

G8 summit to pledge $15 billion to boost food supply


L'AQUILA, Italy (Reuters) - Leaders from rich nations at the G8 summit in Italy will commit $15 billion over three years to spur agricultural investment in poorer countries and combat hunger, a final draft statement seen by Reuters said ...

G8 summit: Barack Obama says world can close the carbon emissions gap


G-8 Climate-Change Agreement F »

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Cyber Attack Targets US, S. Korean Government Web Sites - Voice of America

Cyber Attack Targets US, S. Korean Government Web Sites

Voice of America

By VOA News US and South Korean government Web sites have been disrupted in what officials are c »

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Russia, US business decry trade barriers to Obama - Reuters

Russia, US business decry trade barriers to Obama


MOSCOW, July 7 (Reuters) - Russian and US businessmen traded accusations of protectionism on Tuesday during US President Barack Obama's visit to Moscow, saying they were counting on renewed dialogue to revitalise ...

Barack Obama urges Russia not to interfere in neighbouring states

Obama backs c »

Monday, July 6, 2009

Obama Arrives in Moscow for Summit - Washington Post

Obama Arrives in Moscow for Summit

Washington Post

MOSCOW, July 6 -- President Obama arrived in Moscow today for the start of a three-day summit with Russian President Dmitry Medvedev that aides were hopeful would yield a framework for an agreement to replace an ...

Obama to Seek New Arms Control Deal in Moscow

New York Times

Obama's Russia visit to bring over $1.5 billion in deals


Obama in Moscow for arms talks

Los Angeles Times -AFP


Sunday, July 5, 2009

Joe Biden slap shot at Sarah Palin: Says quittin' gov isn't any victim - New York Daily News

BBC News

Joe Biden slap shot at Sarah Palin: Says quittin' gov isn't any victim

New York Daily News

Vice President Biden rejected Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's complaint that she was the victim of political blood sport yesterday - a day after she stunned the nation with her abrupt resignation. Asked if he agreed with Palin's contention, ...

McCain says Palin to play leadership role as ex-Governor

Washington Post

Palin's speech had shades of Nixon, circa '62

Los Angeles Times

Palin hints on political future

BBC News

Bloomberg -Kansas City Star -The Associated Press
